What are Maine's Early Learning and Development Standards?
The Maine Early Learning and Development Standards (MELDS) is a statewide resource for everyone committed to the development of children birth through school entry to support the development of the whole child. The standards provide essential information to support and enhance children’s development and learning and provides a continuum to the Maine Learning Results (MLRs) that is Maine’s K-12 learning standards.

Who can use the MELDS?
The Preschool MELDS has been designed as a resource which can be used by those in Maine working with and advocating for the high quality, developmentally appropriate care of children aged three to five. This may include, but is not limited to: families, caregivers, home visitors, teachers, therapists and other professionals, community members and policy makers. The intention of this document is to assist parents and those in the field and our communities in working together to support the healthy development of Maine's youngest citizens.

Preschool MELDS update
The Preschool MELDS update is now complete! The visual below showcases the updated structure of the learning domains and how they align to the Infant Toddler MELDS and the Maine Learning Results

Hardcopies & Posters
To request a hard copy of the I/T MELDS, P-MELDS or a matching poster, please reach to your nearest contact listed below. These are pick-up locations only and there is no expectation for these sites to mail items by request:
Program | Address | Contact |
Aroostook Country Action Program |
44 Park Street, Presque Isle, ME 04769 |
mbarnes@acap-me.org |
Kennebec Valley Action Program / Educare Central Maine |
56 Drummond Avenue, Waterville, ME 04901 |
sarahl@kvcap.org |
Southern Kennebec Child Development Center |
337 Maine Avenue, Farmingdale, ME 04344 |
cristina.salois@skcdc.org |
Mid Coast Maine Community Action |
34 Wing Farm Parkway, Bath, Maine 04530 |
andrew.slater@mmcacorp.org |
Promise Early Education Center |
269 Bates Street, Lewiston, ME 04240 |
Mredlevske@promiseearlyeducation.org |
Waldo County Action Program |
9 Field Street, Belfast, ME 04915 |
mhersey@waldocap.org |
York County Community Action Corporation |
6 Spruce Street, Sanford, ME 04073 |
Jennifer.West@YCCAC.co |
What is coming:
- Translation of Documents
- Targeted Tool Kits
- Updated MELDS trainings
- Crosswalk of the Guiding Principles with Maine’s Early Learning & Development Standards (MELDS)
- Infant Toddler Maine Early Learning Development Standards (I/T MELDS)
- Preschool Maine Early Learning Development Standards (P/MELDS), 2015
- Maine Learning Results
- Maine Department of Education Early Learning Team
- Maine Roads to Quality Professional Development Network
- Maine Department of Health and Human Services Child Care Services
- Maine Early Childhood Consultation Partnership (ECCP)
- Center of Disease and Control Developmental Milestones
- Help Me Grow
Contact Us
Nicole Madore
Early Childhood Specialist
Maine Department of Education
Phone: 207-446-3967
Email: nicole.madore@maine.gov
Megan Swanson
Family and Community Engagement Program Manager
Maine Department of Health and Human Services
Phone: 207-446-2437
Email: megan.swanson@maine.gov