Unit 1- Building Strong Communities


 For those interested in printing lesson plans for each week of Unit 1- Building Strong Communities, you can do so by selecting the week below:

Unit 1- Building Strong Communities Overview: Documents   Unit 1 Overview Video

Week 1 (1 of 3) Week 1 (2 of 3) Week 1 (3 of 3)     

Week 2 (1 of 4) Week 2 (2 of 4) Week 2 (3 of 4) Week 2 (4 of 4)

Week 3     

Week 4     

Week 5 (1 of 3) Week 5 (2 of 3) Week 5 (3 of 3)

Week 6 (1 of 3) Week 6 (2 of 3) Week 6 (3 of 3)     

Week 7 (1 of 2) Week 7 (2 of 2)     

Week 8

Family Links

Arc of Unit 1

Unit 1 Week 1

Unit 1 Week 2   Reading Practice   BINGO   Weather Calendar

Unit 1 Week 3   Reading Practice

Unit 1 Week 4    Reading Practice

Unit 1 Week 5    Reading Practice

Unit 1 Week 6    Reading Practice

Unit 1 Week 7    Reading Practice   Math Cards

Unit 1 Week 8   Reading Practice   Math Dots

Week 1
Week 1: At A Glance Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Vocabulary and Language

Introduce Weekly Words: community, responsibility Introduce Weekly Words: agreement, bilingual Nouns Introduce the One Great Sentence Routine Carousel Brainstorm
Text Talk All Are Welcome Drafting Classroom Agreements "You'll Sing a Song and I'll Sing a Song"

Mango, Abuela, and Me

Read 1

Mango, Abuela, and Me

Read 2


See Week 1 Launching Stations for introductions

Scavenger Hunt  (with visuals)

Reading: Independent & Partner

Listening and Speaking: Talk, Draw, Talk

Vocabulary: Draw for Meaning

Word Work: Initial Sound BINGO

Conversation Images

Science and Engineering

Lesson 1: What Does a Scientist DoSLIDES

Lesson 2: Introducing Science Journals

Studios Inventories and exploration of studio materials
Writing Basics Deconstruction: Why We Write Individual Construction Individual Construction Individual Construction: Telling and Writing Stories Individual Construction: Telling and Writing Information
Week 2
Week 2: At A Glance Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Vocabulary and Language

Introduce Weekly Words: benefit, positive, rule Introduce Weekly Words: contribution, perspective, emerge Adjectives One Great Sentence Carousel Brainstorm
Text Talk

Chik Chak Shabbat

Read 1

Chik Chak Shabbat

Read 2

Last Stop on Market Street

Read 1

Last Stop on Market Street

Read 2

Revisiting Classroom Agreements


Launching Stations

Shared Reading (Day 1): You'll Sing a Song and I'll Sing a song  SLIDES

Independent and Partner Reading

Listening and Speaking: Talk, Draw, Talk

Science Literacy introduced (Day 2):  Journal Prompts

Vocabulary: Draw for Meaning

Word Work: ABC Order, Initial Sound BINGO

Science and Engineering

Lesson 1: What Makes Day and Night?

Lesson 2: Moon Patterns


Explicit Studios introductions with specific activities suggestions and continued open
exploration of materials

Studio Prompts

Writing Basics Deconstruction Joint Construction






Week 3
Week 3: At A Glance Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Vocabulary and Language

Introduce Weekly Words: citizen, role, common good Introduce Weekly Words: public space, law, characteristic Proper Nouns One Great Sentence Carousel Brainstorm
Text Talk

Doing Your Part


Quinito's Neighborhood

Read 1

Quinito's Neighborhood

Read 2

Doing Your Part Doing Your Part

Shared Reading: "Boston Day"   SLIDES

Listening & Speaking: Talk, Draw, Talk

Science Literacy: Journal Prompt

Vocabulary: Draw for Meaning

Word Work: Fluent Reader's Challenge, Say It Build It Write It, Trick Word Memory

Science and Engineering Lesson 1 & Lesson 2: Measuring Temperature

Continued activities from previous weeks

Studio Prompts

Writing Basics Deconstruction & Joint Construction Individual Construction Individual Construction Peer-to-Peer Feedback
Week 4
Week 4: At A Glance Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Vocabulary and Language

Introduce Weekly Words: rights, citizen, leader Introduce Weekly Words: election, vote, government Nouns as Ideas One Great Sentence Carousel Brainstorm
Text Talk Doing Your Part

Electing Leaders & Doing Your Part


Electing Leaders

Voting Images


Marley Dias



Shared Reading: "If You're a Leader and You Know It"   SLIDES

Independent & Partner Reading

Listening & Speaking: Talk, Draw, Talk; Listen & Respond

Science Literacy: Journal Prompt

Vocabulary: Draw for Meaning

Word Work: Fluent Reader's Challenge, Say It Build It Write It, Trick Word Memory

Science and Engineering

Lesson 1: Exploring Air

Lesson 2: What is a meteorologist? Weather Calendar

Studios Studio Prompts
Writing Basics Peer-to-Peer Feedback Introduction to and Beginning Revising and Publishing Revising and Publishing Publishing Presentation and Celebration
Week 5
Week 5: At A Glance Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Vocabulary and Language

Introduce Weekly Words: support movement, environment Introduce Weekly Words: quality, decision, democracy Exploring Adjectives One Great Sentence Carousel Brainstorm
Text Talk

Mama Miti

Read 1

Mama Miti

Read 2

Mama Miti

Read 3

Local Leaders


Local Leaders

Shared Reading: "We've Got the Whole World in our Hands"   SLIDES

Independent & Partner Reading

Listening & Speaking: Talk, Draw, Talk; Listen & Respond (Mama Miti)

Science Literacy: Journal Prompts

Vocabulary: Draw for Meaning

Word Work: Fluent Reader's Challenge, Make New Words, Trick Word Memory

Science and Engineering Lesson 1 & Lesson 2: Watching Clouds
Writing Basics Pre-Assessment Deconstruction Joint Construction & Individual Construction Deconstruction, Joint Construction, & Individual Construction Deconstruction, Joint Construction, & Individual Construction
Week 6
Week 6: At A Glance Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Vocabulary and Language

Introduce Weekly Words: resource, budge, improve Introduce Weekly Words: access, impact, librarian Shades of Meaning One Great Sentence Carousel Brainstorm
Text Talk

Arturo Schomburg



Access to Books


Waiting for the Biblioburro

Read 1

Waiting for the Biblioburro

Read 2


Shared Reading: excerpt from "Books"   SLIDES

Independent & Partner Reading

Listening & Speaking: Talk, Draw, Talk; Listen & Respond (Biblioburro)

Science Literacy: Journal Prompts

Vocabulary: Draw for Meaning

Word Work: Say It Build It Write It, Make New Words, Trick Word Memory

Science and Engineering

Lesson 1: Bubbles in the Wind

Lesson 2: Wind Speed

Studios Studio Prompts
Writing Basics Deconstruction, Joint Construction, and Individual Construction:
Development of Events
Deconstruction, Joint Construction, and Individual Construction: Conclusion Individual Construction Deconstruction, Joint Construction, and Individual Construction: Title Individual Construction
Week 7
Week 7: At A Glance Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Vocabulary and Language

Introduce Weekly Words: donate, empathy, recycle Introduce Weekly Words: volunteer, charity, organization Verbs One Great Sentence Carousel Brainstorm
Text Talk

Maybe Something Beautiful

Read 1

Maybe Something Beautiful

Read 2

Interview with Leader Activist


Doing Your Part Doing Your Part
Stations Shared Reading: “This Little Light of Mine”   SLIDES
Independent and Partner Reading
Listening & Speaking: Talk, Draw, Talk; Listen & Respond (Maybe Something

Science Literacy: Journal Prompts
Vocabulary: Draw for Meaning
Word Work: Fluent Reader’s Challenge, Digraph BINGO, Trick Word Memory
Science and Engineering Lesson 1: Changes in Seasons
Lesson 2: What happens during a storm?
Studios Studio Prompts
Writing Basics Deconstruction Individual Construction Deconstruction Peer-to-Peer Feedback
Week 8
Week 8: At A Glance Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Vocabulary and Language

Introduce Weekly Words: cultivate, identify, perspective Introduce Weekly Words: contribution, observe, evidence Vocabulary Review  
Text Talk

Wanda's Roses

Read 1

Wanda's Roses

Read 2

Synthesis of Unit Ideas Reflecting on Classroom Agreements Celebrating out Projects


End of Unit Assessment SLIDES

Shared Reading: “Friends Together”   SLIDES
Independent and Partner Reading
Listening & Speaking: Talk, Draw, Talk; Listen & Respond (Wanda’s Roses)
Science Literacy: Journal Prompts
Vocabulary: Draw for Meaning
Word Work: Bonus Letter Word Sort, Sentences, Trick Word Memory
Science and Engineering Lesson 1: What Happens During a Storm?
Lesson 2: Emergency Preparedness   Booklet
Studios Studio Prompts
Writing Basics Introduction to and Beginning Revising and Publishing Revising and Publishing Publishing Post-Assessment Presentation and Celebration