Draft Standard Lease Applications

This page lists the draft standard lease applications that have been submitted to the Department.

DMR requires standard lease applicants to submit a "draft application" to the DMR prior to holding a scoping session. Draft applications allow the public to public gain a better understanding of the applicant's lease proposal prior to and during the scoping session, which is a public meeting designed to garner feedback on a lease proposal.

Please note that the information provided in these draft applications has been deemed adequate to present at a scoping session, but these applications have not been "deemed complete" by DMR.

All documents listed below are smaller than 1 megabyte (1,024 kb) unless otherwise indicated.

For a visual representation of the standard lease application process, please see the Standard Lease Application Process Flowchart (PDF file, pdf).

This page lists the draft standard aquaculture applications before the Department and allows copies of complete applications to be downloaded as PDF files. PDF files may require Adobe Reader software (download here free) to view or print.