Scallop Advisory Council Meeting

Date: July 27, 2022

Time: to be determined, late afternoon

Location: Jeff's Catering

Town: Brewer

In follow-up from our scallop industry meeting that was held remotely on Thursday, May 12th - a series of Scallop Advisory Council meetings have been scheduled for discussions related to developing the management plan for state scallops for 2022-2023 season and beyond.

There are three meetings currently scheduled, with the first one occurring in June; please mark your calendars: 

  • Monday, June 27, 2022 at 5-7pm at Jeff's Catering, Brewer, ME 
  • Tuesday July 12, 2022 at DMR HQ Rm 118, Augusta ME (time to be determined; late afternoon)
  • Wednesday, July 27, 2022 at Jeff's Catering, Brewer, ME (time to be determined; late afternoon)

Draft agendas for these meetings have been developed based on comments received during the scallop industry meeting and will allow each meeting to discuss issues related to a focused topic. If there are additional topics regarding potential management measures the SAC would like to address, those will be incorporated into the appropriate meeting's agenda. Those draft topic groups are: 

  • Meeting 1 (June 27th): Spatial planning - dealing with comments received related to 2 yr vs 3 yr rotations; inshore vs offshore access; limited access areas; spawning/recruitment areas
  • Meeting 2 (July 12th): Season/calendars - dealing with concerns related to season length, calendar details and closures
  • Meeting 3 (July 27th): Monitoring/Reporting/Final Recommendations - discussions related to monitoring and reporting, and produce final recommendations

The overall goal of these series of meetings are to develop draft recommendations to put forward to the Commissioner for consideration in the development of pending proposed rulemaking for Chapter 11 Scallops for the 2022-2023 season.

For more information, please contact Melissa Smith.