Division of Environmental and Community Health

Maine Center for Disease Control & Prevention

A Division of the Maine Department of Health and Human Services

DHHSMeCDCEnvironmental and Community HealthDrinking WaterPublic Water SystemsFillable Consumer Confidence Reports

Fillable Consumer Confidence Report

Enter your PWSID to access your 2023 Consumer Confidence Report fillable PDF. Acrobat Reader is required to use the fillable CCR. Any place with a blank line, you can type in your information then print and/or save the final form.

The fillable CCR has sections where you must fill in your site-specific information, but other than these areas the document is not created to be edited. You may use the fillable CCR to create your own design of a CCR and add information where necessary. However, the data and required language must be contained in the CCR distributed to your customers. The Designated Operator is responsible to ensure the distributed CCR contains the same information as the CCR provided by DWP at the link above.

If you find discrepancies with the data provided and your in-house data please contact your PWS Inspector with your concerns.

The last page of the Fillable CCR is a certification form that must be filled out and submitted to the DWP by October 1st. It certifies when and how the CCR was distributed to customers and that the information in the distributed CCR agrees with the information in the DWP supplied fillable CCR. If your system decides to generate a unique Consumer Confidence Report, you must still submit a completed Certification.

Please refer to Tips for Submitting Consumer Confidence Reports (CCRs) and Certification Forms for more information

Dates to remember:

  • April 1st – wholesale systems must provide CCR data to receiving systems for inclusion in their CCR.
  • July 1st – CCR must be distributed to customers.
  • October 1st – Submit a copy of the distributed CCR and certify that (1) the date CCR distributed and (2) the data in the system’s distributed CCR agrees with DWP provided CCR. Email these to

For example: ME0090030

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Phone: 287-2070