Forests of Lilliput - the miniature world of mosses and lichens - Bradbury Mt. State Park

Division / Program: Parks and Lands
Date: August 31, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: Bradbury Mt State Park, 528 Hallowell Rd., Pownal
State Park: Bradbury Mountain
Event Type: Nature Exploration

Expect to spend time bent over examining the subtle and often amazing features of these abundant but usually unnoticed organisms. Avoiding hardcore identification and terminology, we will look at their many adaptations for thriving in a world full of microhabitats in an attempt to understand their role in the larger ecosystem. Bring a hand lens if you have one, otherwise we'll provide a loaner. Meet at the stone bench in front of the Day Use Area pavilion. Walks will be canceled due to inclement weather.

Walks are led by Park Ranger Jeff Pengel unless otherwise specified. Jeff was trained as a botanist and geologist at The University of Akron and holds degrees in Natural Science and Secondary Education. He has worked in the oil industry as a geologist, as a public high school teacher, at Nature's Classroom, and with Hurricane Island Outward Bound School. Jeff is a Maine Master Naturalist instructor and a Certified Interpretive Guide. In his spare time, he does programs for various Maine land trusts, surveys rare plants with The Native Plant Trust, and trains volunteer naturalists for the Appalachian Mountain Club.

Contact Name: Bradbury Mountain State Park
Contact Phone: (207) 688-4712
Cost: Free with park admission: Bradbury Mt. Day use: $1.00 ages 5-11, $4.00 Maine residents age 12-64, $6.00 non residents age 12-64, $2.00 non residents 65+; persons under 5 & Maine residents 65+ free