- Forum 2021- Social Studies in the Elementary Classroom (Led by Joe Schmidt - Social Studies Specialist & Maine Teacher Leaders, Stephanie Nichols/Gorham Schools, Melissa Knight/RSU #57, and Stephanie Connors/RSU #38)
- Helping Elementary Students Generate & Answer Questions (Led by Kim Heckart - National Award Winning Elementary Teacher)
- Inquiry Based Social Studies in Elementary Classrooms: Distance Learning & Beyond (Led by Rebecca Valbuena - Award Winning Elementary Teacher & NCSS Board Member)
- Elementary Social Studies - Panel Discussion with Teacher Leaders (Led Jennifer Bassett, Jenn Lagasse, Stacey McCluskey, Stephanie Nichols – Teacher Leader Series)
- No Tech & Interdisciplinary Elementary Choice Boards (Led Jenn Lagasse -Ellsworth Elementary)
- Social Studies - Elementary Choice Board (Led by Jenn Lagasse - Teacher Leader Series)
- Social Studies - Elementary Choice Board (Led by Jenn Lagasse - Teacher Leader Series)
- Bring the World into Your Elementary Classroom (Led by Pamela Marshall & Laure Waite - Teacher Leader Series)
- Using Children's Literature in Teaching Elementary Social Studies (Led by Stephanie Nichols - Narragansett Elementary School/Gorham)
- Teaching Wabanaki Studies in Elementary School (Led by Brianne Lolar - Old Town Elementary/RSU #34 w/ Kaya Lolar)
- Social Studies in the Elementary Classroom - The American Revolution (Led Stephanie Connors - Mt. Vernon Elementary/RSU #38)
You May Also Be Interested in the Following:
Best Strategies, Tips, and Tricks
- Engaging with Students by Focusing on "Why Does This Matter?" (Led by Chuck Taft - Award Winning Middle School Teacher)
- Designed to Engage: Tools, Tricks, and Gamification (Led by Michael Matera - 6th Grade Teacher/Author/Keynote Speaker
- Using "Why Not" to Design Projects, Activities, and Lessons (Led by Nathan McAlister - 2010 National History Teacher of the Year)
Teacher Leaders
- Teacher Perspective on Teaching About Maine Native Americans (Led by Melanie Brown - Ellsworth MS)
- The Art of Visual Storytelling (Led by Erin Towns - Edward Little High School & 2018 National Geographic Grosvenor Fellow)
- How to Support Your Students Through the Research Process (Led by Chris St. Clair - Teacher Leader Series)
Maine Department of Education
- Tools to Differentiate Reading of Primary Sources & Current Events (Led by Joe Schmidt - Social Studies Specialist)
- Virtual Hands on History (Led Joe Schmidt - Social Studies Specialist)
- Exploring Different Types of Primary Sources in Social Studies (Led by Joe Schmidt - Social Studies Specialist)
- Personal Primary Sources For Student Learning (Led by Joe Schmidt - Social Studies Specialist)
- Resources for Teaching Personal Finance Both In Person and Remote Learning for Grades K-8 (Led by Joe Schmidt - Social Studies Specialist)
Maine Native Americans & Culturally Responsive Practices
- Teaching About Maine Native Americans - Curriculum Considerations (Led by Fiona Hopper - Portland Public Schools)
- Teacher Perspective on Teaching About Maine Native Americans (Led by Melanie Brown - Ellsworth MS)
- Interrupting Hate & Bias in School (Led by Dr. Tina Ellsworth - K-12 Curriculum Specialist & Instructor at University of Kansas)
- Working Toward a Culturally Relevant Classroom (Led by Jessica Ellison - Minnesota Historical Society)
- The Brain and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy (Led by Dean Vesperman - Prof. of Education/UW-River Falls)
Disciplinary Literacy
- Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking in Social Studies (Led by Kristy Brugar - University of Oklahoma)
- Presentation
- Activity Resources
- Getting More Bang for Your Book: Read Alouds and Social Studies Inquiry Series (Led by the Georgia DOE Social Studies Specialists)
- Grades K-2 (Led by Jennifer Zoumberis)
- Grades 3-5 (Led by JoAnn Wood)
- Compiled book list from all sessions
Using Primary Sources
- Talking Primary Sources with Maine State Organizations & Teacher Leader Panel Discussion of Classroom Use (Led by Kate Webber - Maine State Museum & Teacher Leader Cohort)
- Stacey McCluskey (Carrabec Community Elementary School) - Resource List
- Jamie Karaffa (Bruce Whittier Middle School) - Presentation
- Shane Gower (Maranacook Community High School) - Presentation
- Bringing Visual Primary Sources into the Classroom (Led by Dr. Libby Bischof - Osher Map Library)
- Object-Based Learning 101 (Led by Melissa Starkey - Arkansas DOE)
State Organizations with Online Resources
- Using Maine State Museum Online Resources to Teach
- Using Digital Maine Library
- Virtual Learning with Maine Memory Network
- Education Resources from the Maine Secretary of State’s Website
- Exploring Primary Sources with the Maine State Archives
- Teaching Using Osher Map Library Online Resources
- Resources for Teaching Personal Finance & Economics