Career & Education Development Standards Review
Engaging students in learning experiences that facilitate thinking deeply about concepts and seeing relationships among progressively distant concepts in developmentally appropriate ways can help students gain insights from very different situations and foster flexible and creative problem-solving abilities and innovative thinking. Cultivating students' abilities to reflect, monitor, and evaluate their learning strategies will nurture lifelong habits that build adaptability, self-efficacy, and productivity.
Conceptual Understandings of the Life and Career Ready Standards
Self-knowledge - Understanding one’s own strengths, challenges, natural abilities, emotions, behaviors, culture, and preferences and how they impact one’s thoughts, behaviors, choices, and beliefs.
Life Skills - The humanity all people have in common and the importance of understanding the perspectives of others and communicating with clarity and empathy so that conflicts can be resolved, ethical decisions can be made, and social interactions can remain positive.
Problem-solving - Exploring a situation from multiple angles, seeking information to uncover issues, obstacles, and larger systems at work, and reflecting on prior knowledge and experiences before evaluating options and selecting an approach.
Aspirations - Building a network of trusted people and collections of credible sources of information can provide support as one grows confidence in their ability to make sense of new contexts, manage their own learning, and make choices that open up favorable outcomes now and for their future.
Planning – Important roles curiosity and self-management play in focusing learning and shaping existing opportunities with intentionally desired outcomes and the actions taken to reach the desired outcomes.
Career Awareness and Adaptability - Conceptual understandings learned in school to similar and/or dissimilar contexts in the world as they make decisions, solve problems and find connections to open up favorable outcomes for their own life.

Maine Learning Results Life and Career Standards
- K-Diploma Standards and Performance Expectations
Life and Career Ready Standards 2020 K-Diploma document
- Kindergarten Life and Career Ready Standards
2020 Kindergarten Life and Career Ready Performance Expectations
- Grade 1 Life and Career Ready Standards
- Grade 2 Life and Career Ready Standards
- Grade 3 Life and Career Ready Standards
- Grade 4 Life and Career Ready Standards
- Grade 5 Life and Career Ready Standards
- Grade 6-8 Life and Career Ready Standards
2020 Grades 6-8 Life and Career Ready Performance Expectations
- Grades 9-12 Life and Career Ready Standards
2020 Grades 9-12 Life and Career Ready Performance Expectation