The Office of School & Student Supports strives to ensure that Maine schools are inclusive, healthy, safe, and supportive communities where every student thrives. The team endeavors to coordinate resources and programs that promote equitable, psycho-socially, physically, and environmentally healthy school communities for all.

Coordinated School Health
The Coordinated School Health Team provides professional learning, resources, and guidance to school personnel through a lens of equity. This work fosters healthy, safe, and inclusive work and learning environments, promotes health and physical literacy, and improves access to health care services and resources for all. The team uses the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) framework to guide our work.

Climate, Culture, & Resilience
Provides trauma-informed resources to develop safe and inclusive educational communities.

Community Schools
The Community Schools Team provides support, guidance and resources to schools across Maine looking to advance community school strategies to improve outcomes for students. Community Schools are committed to forming strong partnerships with families and organizations to provide well-rounded educational opportunities and wrap-around supports to meet the needs of the whole child.

School Approval & Enrollment
The School Approval & Enrollment team provides information about relevant opportunities, resources, and processes, including information about Maine public schools, private schools, and home instruction. State oversight of public and private elementary and secondary school activities primarily focuses on public and private school approval/recognition, home instruction reporting coordination, and Superintendent Transfer denial appeals.
Julie A. Smyth
Director, Office of School and Student Supports
Phone: 207-592-0949
Email: Julie.A.Smyth@maine.gov