Unit 3: Wind and Water
To print the entire unit, select the corresponding link below:
Unit 3 Introduction Unit 3 week 1 Unit 3 week 2 Unit 3 weeks 3-5 Unit 3 SWPL Resources
Unit 3 Center Language Supports
Songs, Word Play, Letters and Numbers
Poems | Flannel Board Pieces | Clue Game |
Week 1 |
Week 2 |
Week 3 |
Week 4 |
Week 5
Art Studio |
Designing Clay Boats Box Lid Painting Wind Illustrations (resource) |
Blocks |
Discovery |
Dramatization |
What Does Air Move Pinwheels and Kites (resource) Umbrellas (resource) |
Animals Prepare for Winter (resource) Camouflaged Animals (resource 1) (resource 2) |
Library |
Manipulatives |
Puzzles (Thunder Cake Recipe Cards) (Resource) |
Puzzles (Animal Habitat Puzzles) (Resource) |
Math (Overview) |
Small Group 1 Wind Socks (Resource) Small Group 2 Bucket Balance |
Read Aloud |
Small Group |
Medium (Story Sequence Cards) (Resource) High (What Can Air Move) |
Independent (Rabbits & Raindrops Illustrations) Medium (Sound Cans) High (Absorbency of Materials) |
Independent (Animal Babies) (resource) Medium (Exploring Clay) (resource) High (Rain Sticks) (resource) |
Independent (Adult & Baby Matching) (resource) High (Clay Sculptures) (resource) |
Writing |
Technology |
Absorbency of Materials Wind Illustrations |
Outdoor Learning Nature |
Math scope & sequence Processes of learning math Subitizing Math Materials & Books