Person to Person: Legislating Maine

Matt Dunlap cartoon

We hope you enjoy Person to Person: Legislating Maine and that it inspires you to participate in Maine lawmaking in your community, at your school or in the State House.

This 28-minute video features Maine legislators in their districts and includes interviews with Senators and Representatives in the State House. You can view it online, or your school or library may have a copy of the original video. It explains how members of a citizen legislature and the people that they represent, discuss ideas and translate those ideas into bills that are sent to committees. The video shows how legislators discuss bills in committee and then debate and vote on them in the House and Senate before any are passed into law.

As you view the video, watch and listen for answers to the following questions (DOC) about lawmaking in Maine.

This videotape is made available courtesy of the Maine State Legislature. It is copyrighted and any rebroadcast or reproduction is prohibited without express written approval from the Maine Legislature.