Tree of Facts

22 cities
424 towns
16 Counties
51 plantations
33,215 square miles
6,000 Lakes and Ponds
3,478 miles of coastline
17 million acres of Forest
416 unorganized townships
32,000 miles of Rivers & Streams
65 - Historical Coastal Lighthouses
Winter temperatures averaging 20F
Summer temperatures averaging 70F
Population Census: Estimate 1.3 million
92-mile  Allagash Wilderness  Waterway
542,629 acres of  state and national parks
America's first chartered city : York-1641
Became the 23rd State on March 15, 1820
Softshell Clam harvest approximately 7.1 million pounds
Lobster - almost 120 million pounds harvested  for  2018
Mt. Katahdin -5,268 ft above sea level approximately 1 mile high
Forestry commercial and landowner harvest totals 322,239 acres
Baxter State Park - Mt. Katahdin & northern end of Appalachian Trail
Acadia National Park in Bar Harbor is the only national park in New England
Potatoes rank 6th in production nationally in 2015 with 50,500 acres in production
2018 statistics of wild blueberries sold at 46 cents a pound & over 50 million pounds harvested
320 miles long
210 miles wide
Capital: Augusta

(page updated 9/8/2022)