Guidelines for School Health Services: Medication Administration


Medication Child Taking Medicine A nurse holding a child's hand


 Medication Administration in Maine Schools: Evidence-Based Guidelines for PreK and School-Aged Students 

Maine Revised Statutes, Title 20-A, section 254, subsection 5requires that school districts develop a policy on medication administration in schools,

05-071 C.M.R. ch.40 (2022) Rule for Medication Administration in Maine Schools outlines what must be included. It is recommended that medication be administered only when it is essential for the student to remain in school. 


NASN Medication Administration Clinical Practice Guidelines 

 Maine DOE Priority Notice: Discretionary Medications    

Decision Tree for Nurse Coordination & Oversight 

 Medication Training Videos


Quick Guides and Posters
Sample Forms

Local procedures/protocols must be developed for the proper disposal of medications not retrieved by parents or guardians, according to 05-071 C.M.R. ch.40 (2022) Rule for Medication Administration in Maine Schools

Maine Medication Drop-Off Location Map    

DEA National Take Back Day Unused Medication Collection Site, Locator

Links to organizations and resources are for reference and information only and do not imply endorsement by the

Maine Department of Education.


Emily Poland, MPH, RN, NCSN 
School Nurse Consultant
Coordinated School Health Team Leader