The following are standard forms for use in procuring and managing projects, and contract documents developed for State Agency use on State of Maine projects. Please contact the Division of Planning, Design & Construction staff for assistance, additional information and other documents you may need to carry out your project.
For Your Information
Document Name | Revised | Document Description |
Procurement Flow Chart | 2016/10/16 | Flow chart of Design and Construction procurement processes. |
Project Process Checklist | 2020/05/01 | A step-by-step reference document for project management from project initiation to the completion of construction. |
Procedures Manual (PDF 1,761KB) | 2022/02/11 | This document describes the various procurement processes and options for design and construction. |
Architectural and Engineering Fee Policy | 2023/11/22 | This document assists in determining State of Maine recommended fees when negotiating for architectural and engineering fees based on construction costs. |
Public Improvement Project Policy Manual (PDF 1,578KB) | 2020/05/01 | This document contains several policies regarding routinely encountered project issues, in which the preferred methods for carrying out the projects is described. |
Project Initiation
Document Name | Revised | Document Description |
Project Approval Application | This project initiation form for capital improvements establishes the basic project information for the purpose of approval by BGS. All public improvement projects begin with this form. |
Miscellaneous Forms
Document Name | Revised | Document Description |
A/E RFQ Information Sheet | 2024/02/23 | This RFQ Information Sheet shall be posted on the website to provide details of project requirements and the procurement process. |
A/E RFQ Legal Advertisement | 2022/12/02 | This is the legal advertisement form for Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Architectural or Engineering services. |
Notice to Municipality Letter | 2020/05/01 | Letter to notify municipality of a state public improvement project in that municipality. This letter is typically submitted as soon as practicable after beginning the schematic design process. |
Sample Pre-bid Conference Agenda | 2022/04/21 | Reference document to assist in conducting a pre-bid meeting. |
Wage Determination (see note at right) | 2020/02/19 | The Maine Department of Labor no longer requires an application be submitted to their office, nor a project specific, MDOL-provided wage determination number be included in the bidding documents. However, MDOL still requires the proper wage determination sheet be included in the bidding documents. It is the responsibility of the contracting agency to download the wage determination sheet at Please contact MDOL with any questions: (207) 623-7906. |
Bid Tabulation Form | 2022/02/11 | Excel spreadsheet used to record the bids at the time of bid opening. |
Legal Advertisement - Invitation for Bids (IFB) | 2021/01/26 | This is the legal advertisement form for construction services. |
Notice of Intent to Award Letter | 2024/06/14 | Letter to notify successful bidder of the intent to contract with that company. |
Sample Pre-construction Conference Agenda | 2022/04/21 | Reference document to assist in conducting a pre-construction meeting. |
Subcontractor and Supplier List | 2020/05/01 | Form submitted by Contractor at the pre-construction conference identifying Subcontractors. |
Architect/Engineer Agreements
Document Name | Revised | Document Description |
BGS ARPA Supplement | 2024/03/20 | Use this document with an Architect-Engineer Consulting Services Agreement when the project has American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 funding. |
BGS Architect Engineer Agreement - Design Consulting Services |
2024/12/16 |
Use this Agreement form for design or engineering services on small or large projects which normally lead to construction procurement, and construction contract administration. |
BGS Architect Engineer Agreement - Special Consulting Services | 2024/12/16 | Use this Agreement form for services such as feasibility studies, master planning, facility assessments, project cost analysis, interior design, on other similar limited, pre-design, or independent services. |
BGS Architect Engineer Agreement - Attachment D Budget | 2022/09/07 | This is a required attachment for the Design Architect / Engineer Agreements. |
BGS Architect Engineer Agreement - Attachment A Hourly Rates | 2022/09/07 | This is a required attachment for the Architect / Engineer Agreements. |
BGS Architect Engineer Agreement - Attachment B Schedule | 2022/09/07 | This is a required attachment for the Design Architect / Engineer Agreements. |
BGS Architect Engineer Agreement - Attachment B Schedule Special | 2022/09/07 | This is a required attachment for the Special Architect / Engineer Agreements. |
BGS Architect Engineer Agreement - Attachment C Requirements | 2022/09/07 | This is a required attachment for the Architect / Engineer Agreements. |
BGS DVEM Supplement | 2021/05/11 | Department of Defense, Veterans and Emergency Management projects utilize this form with a Core or Comprehensive Scope Consulting Services Agreement. |
BGS Architect Engineer Agreement - Supplemental Agreement | 2024/12/16 | This form amends the time, scope, or cost of any of the Architect / Engineer Agreements. |
Standard Division 00 Procurement and Contracting Requirements
The numbered specification sections below represent the "boilerplate" requirements to be included, as needed, in the Bid Documents, generally used for projects of $50,000 and greater contract value.
Document Name | Revised | Document Description |
00 01 10 DRAFT Table of Contents | 2020/05/01 | |
00 11 13 Notice to Contractors for Paper Bid | 2024/07/30 | |
00 11 13 Notice to Contractors for Email Bid | 2024/07/30 | |
00 12 13 Notice to Contractors & Subcontractors | 2023/03/31 | Include this section in the bid documents, in lieu of the Notice to Contractors section, only when Filed Sub-bids are used. |
00 21 13 Instructions to Bidders | 2023/03/31 | |
00 22 13 Instructions to Filed Sub-bidders | 2023/03/31 | Include this section in the bid documents, in addition to the Instructions to Bidders section, only when Filed Sub-bids are used. |
00 41 13 Contractor Bid Form | 2022/02/11 | |
00 41 13F Named Filed Sub-bidders | 2020/11/03 | Include this section in the bid documents, in addition to the Contractor Bid Form section, only when Filed Sub-bids are used. |
00 41 16 Subcontractor Bid Form | 2022/02/11 | Include this section in the bid documents, in addition to the Contractor Bid Form section, only when Filed Sub-bids are used. |
00 43 13 Contractor Bid Bond - sample | 2024/02/14 | Place this item, rather than the fillable form, in the bid documents. The fillable bond form is located below. |
00 43 16 Subcontractor Bid Bond - sample | 2024/02/14 | Place this item, rather than the fillable form, in the bid documents. The fillable bond form is located below. |
00 52 13 Contract Agreement | 2024/12/16 | This is a fillable contract form. Do not place it in the bid documents. |
00 52 13 Contract Agreement - Sample | 2024/12/16 | Place this item, rather than the fillable form, in the bid documents. |
00 52 16 Subcontract Agreement | 2022/02/11 | This is a fillable contract form. Do not place it in the bid documents. |
00 52 16 Subcontract Agreement - sample | 2022/02/11 | Place this item, rather than the fillable form, in the bid documents. Include this section in the bid documents only when Filed Sub-bids are used. |
00 61 13.13 Contractor Performance Bond - sample | 2024/02/14 | Place this item, rather than the fillable form, in the bid documents. The fillable bond form is located below. |
00 61 13.16 Contractor Payment Bond - sample | 2024/02/14 | Place this item, rather than the fillable form, in the bid documents. The fillable bond form is located below. |
00 61 13.23 Subcontractor Performance Bond - sample | 2024/02/14 | Place this item, rather than the fillable form, in the bid documents. The fillable bond form is located below. |
00 61 13.26 Subcontractor Payment Bond - sample | 2024/02/14 | Place this item, rather than the fillable form, in the bid documents. The fillable bond form is located below. |
00 71 00 Definitions | 2022/02/11 | |
00 72 13 General Conditions | 2021/04/27 | |
00 73 46 Wage Determination Schedule | 2020/05/01 | Include this section only when a Department of Labor wage rate is included for contract values $50,000 and greater. |
Construction Contractor Bonds
Document Name | Revised | Document Description |
00 43 13 Contractor Bid Bond | 2024/02/14 | Fillable bond form. |
00 43 16 Subcontractor Bid Bond | 2024/02/14 | Fillable bond form. |
00 61 13.13 Contractor Performance Bond | 2024/02/14 | Fillable bond form. |
00 61 13.16 Contractor Payment Bond | 2024/02/14 | Fillable bond form. |
00 61 13.23 Subcontractor Performance Bond | 2024/02/14 | Fillable bond form. |
00 61 13.26 Subcontractor Payment Bond | 2024/02/14 | Fillable bond form. |
Other Construction Phase Forms
Document Name | Revised | Document Description |
Contractor Bid Form Instructions Small Construction Project |
2020/05/01 | This is guidance for creating the bid solicitation and bid form for under $50,000 construction projects. |
Contractor Bid Form Small Construction Project |
2020/05/01 | Use this form for projects where contract values are under $50,000. |
00 52 13 Small Construction Project Contract | 2022/01/18 | This form is used for projects with a construction contract value less than $50,000. |
00 62 76.11 Requisition for Payment Small Construction Project |
2023/05/03 | Excel spreadsheet for Contractor payment requests on small construction projects. |
00 62 76 Application for Payment | 2023/05/12 | Excel spreadsheet for Contractor application for payment to use with BGS 00 62 76.01 Continuation Sheet. |
00 62 76.01 Continuation Sheet | 2023/05/12 | Excel spreadsheet used in support of the BGS 00 62 76 Application for Payment form. |
00 63 63 Change Order | 2021/04/05 | Excel workbook containing three worksheets needed to document a change of scope, cost or time of the construction contract. |
00 72 14 Supplemental General Conditions | 2024/04/17 | Include this document with the standard 00 72 13 General Conditions section when the project has American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 funding. |
00 63 46 Construction Change Directive | 2021/04/05 | This form is used only as necessary to direct work prior to a normal C.O. process. |
Office Lease & Exhibits
Basic Office Lease (PDF)
- Exhibit A Memorandum of Lease (.doc)
- Exhibit B Commencement Notice (.doc)
- Covenants of Lessor: Environmental and Operational Maintenance Requirements (.doc)
- Parcel of Land Description (.doc)
- Site plan, Building Plans & Specifications (including the State’s Finish Specifications) (.doc)
- Custodial Specifications (.doc)
- Telecommunications Specifications 2015 (PDF)
- ASHRAE Ventilation Requirements (.doc)
- Leased Building Energy Efficiency Requirements (.doc)
- Letter of Intent (.doc)