Guidelines for School Health Services: Chronic Conditions Management

School Health - Chronic Conditions Web Banner

Students with chronic conditions often have unique educational needs and health considerations that require individual planning. Every student with a chronic condition should have access to school nursing care. Better management and control of chronic health conditions are key, leading to success for these students, both in school and in their community. Care for these students should include teaching and encouraging self-care skills, as the locus of control for making decisions about health shifts to the individual. 

To help schools eliminate discrimination against students with disabilities due to chronic conditions or other reasons, the Office of Civil Rights created this resource: Parent and Educator Guide to Section 504. Many students with chronic conditions will qualify for accommodations through Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. 


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Maine Department of Education.



Emily Poland, MPH, RN, NCSN 
School Nurse Consultant
Coordinated School Health Team Leader