FY 2015-16 Funding Details

General EPS Information
Special Education EPS Allocation for 2015-16

Step 1: Base Component - Applies 1.315 weight (for the excess cost) to all students up to 15% of subsidizable students in PDF

Step 2: Prevalence Adjustment - Applies .38 weight (for the excess cost) to all students above 15% of subsidizable students in PDF

Step 3: Size Adjustment - Applies .29 weight for additional funds for school administrative units with fewer than 20 students with disabilities in PDF

Step 4: High Cost In-District Adjustment - Allocates additional funds for students estimated using an inflation factor of 1.6% in PDF

Step 5: High Cost Out-of-District Adjustment - Allocates additional funds for students estimated to cost 4X the statewide special education EPS rate --- ESTIMATE in PDF

Step 6: EPS Special Education Allocation (with EPS Maintenance of Effort Adjustment and High Cost Out-of-District Adjustment) in PDF

Transportation EPS Operating Allocation for 2015-16


If you have questions, you may contact:

Paula Gravelle or Ida Batista 

School Finance & Operations Team
23 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333
Phone: (207) 624-6790
Fax: (207) 624-6791