2023-24 School Year McKinney-Vento Liaison Annual Training
- Liaisons can review materials on their own, or watch recorded annual liaison training above (83 mins)
- Students Experiencing Homelessness Data Entry Webinar
- New MV Liaisons must complete this assessment for the 2023-24 SY certificate.
- More MV Professional Learning

Step-by-Step for Liaisons
- Determine eligibility under McKinney-Vento – if needed, MV Screener Form Option 1 - Document status in student information system.
- If the student in unaccompanied, determine caregiver, if applicable. Caregiver Template for general educational decisions.
- If the child is M-V, unaccompanied, and identified for Special Education, set up an Educational Surrogate Parent
- Determine best interest for school placement, in partnership between the SAUs of origin and residence. Best Interest Determination Interview Checklist - Parents
- Immediately enroll in school of residence without normally required documents OR arrange transportation for child to remain in school of origin, in partnership between the SAUs.
- Provide family/unaccompanied homeless youth/caregiver with information on their right to Dispute Resolution
- Determine child’s needs to be able to succeed in school Sample MV Check-In Form / Student Needs Assessment
- Connect to referrals based on identified needs – For UHY, see Sample Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Verification for Medical Consent And FAFSA Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Sample Form

Forms & Templates
- Assessing Capacity McKinney-Vento Liaisons Form
- Outreach Flyers
- Translations of Outreach Flyers: French, Spanish, Lingala, Portuguese, Somali, Haitian Creole, Arabic
- *SAMPLE MV Screener.doc - include in electronic enrollment or back to school
- MV Screener Form Option 2
- *Best Interest Determination Interview Checklist - Parents
- *Sample MV Check-In Form / Student Needs Assessment
- Dispute Resolution
- National Center for Homeless Education Materials to print or order
- Translations of Homeless Education Materials
- Confidential Referral Form
- Transportation Agreement Sample

Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Resources
- *Unaccompanied Youth Flow Chart
- *Sample Caregiver Template
- *Sample Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Verification for Medical Consent
- FAFSA Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Sample Form
- Working With Youth in Out of Home Placements or Experiencing Homelessness Toolkit (Maine Family Planning)
- Youth Outreach Poster
- Best Interest Determination Interview Checklist - Unaccompanied Homeless Youth
- Youth Outreach Social Media Image
- National Runaway Safeline

More Resources
- Developing an Effective Homeless Education Protocol
- Positive School Discipline Practices for Students Experiencing Homelessness
- McKinney-Vento Checklist
- MV Eligibility
- Understanding Doubled Up
- Learning Resources for Local Liaisons
- Transportation Tips
- School Selection MV
- Recent MV Newsletters
July 2023 | August 2023 | October 2023 | November 2023 | December 2023 | January 2024 | February 2024 | April 2024
ARP funds received from the USDOE support the implementation of this project. The project has an award totaling $795,000 dollars of which 100% is federally funded and directly attributed to project implementation. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by the USDOE or the U.S. Government.
Signe Lynch
Interim McKinney-Vento Education Specialist
Office of School & Student Supports
Phone: 207-441-5934
Email: Signe.Lynch@maine.gov
Links to organizations and resources are for reference and information only and do not imply endorsement by the Maine Department of Education.