Public Interest Payphone Application Form

A Public Interest Payphone (PIP) is a coinless telephone that allows members of the public to make free local and emergency calls or to use a card or operator assistance to place long distance calls. Maine law provides that PIPs may be placed in locations where they are necessary to fulfill health, safety, and welfare needs and where no other payphone exists. PIPs are funded by Maine’s telephone ratepayers. There is limited funding for PIPs, and the locations that receive funding are determined by Maine’s Public Utilities Commission based on the information contained on this application form. Applicants may be asked to re-apply from time to time, to ensure that limited funding is used effectively.

An organization, business, or person that wishes to apply for a Public Interest Payphone must fill out this application form and submit it online or mail it to the Maine Public Utilities Commission at the address shown at the bottom of the form. Applications will be chosen based on the following six criteria:

  • Public welfare, health and safety considerations
  • Cost of providing the requested PIP service
  • Availability of wireless service in the area
  • Residential telephone service penetration in the area
  • Average income of the area
  • Financial ability of the applicant to provide public telephone service

Applicants should furnish information that is complete and comprehensive, so that public funding is provided to the locations that provide the most benefit to the public. Information may be written directly on the form below, or it may be provided on additional sheets of paper.

The Commission will begin evaluating 2006 applications on September 1, 2006 and will conclude on October 31, 2006. Applications submitted after that time will be considered if sufficient funding exists. The Commission may contact applicants for further information.

If you have questions about Maine’s Public Interest Payphone program, call the MPUC’s Consumer Assistance Division at 1-800-452-4699.

PIP Application Form

Indicates required field