Doing Business

Doing Business as a Telecommunications Company in Maine (Application package)

Detariffing in Maine (Chapter 214, Word)

Notice To Maine Local Exchange Carriers Regarding Access Tariff Filing Requirement (Word)

Rapid Response Process

Docket No. 2001-00230, Notice (PDF) to Carriers Providing Interexchange Service to Propose Allocation Method for Jurisdictionally Mixed Unseparated Charges, Attachment A (PDF) (11/22/02)

Memorandum: Mergers by IXCs and CLECs -- Notice Required; Approval Not Necessary (March 18, 1998) (PDF)

Maine Universal Service Fund and Maine Telecommunications Education Access Fund

Please note that for the MUSF and MTEAF funds, registration is required with our joint funds administrator: Solix, Inc..  Their website is:  To register, please contact either:

Michael Tamburino
Direct Dial No.: (973) 581-6714

CLEC to CLEC Migration Guidelines (PDF)