If you are having difficulty paying for utilities, please know that you are not alone. Your first step should be to contact your utility as soon as possible. When you call, you can expect help with:
Payment arrangement options
Financial assistance programs you may qualify for
Understanding your bill, household energy usage, and tips for improving efficiency
Signing up for usage and billing monitoring alerts
There are many state and local resources available to help you pay for utilities and reduce your household utility costs. We understand navigating what’s out there can be overwhelming and have provided a comprehensive list of income-based and other assistance programs below. Please note, some programs run only during certain months of the year. For most of the programs listed here, your local Community Action Agency can help you learn more, check your eligibility and apply.
If you are experiencing a heating emergency, your local Community Action Agency can help you apply for the Energy Crisis Intervention Program (ECIP), which can provide for emergency fuel deliveries and minor heating system repairs to help you avert an energy crisis.
If you are struggling to meet basic needs such as fuel and food, cities and towns in Maine offer General Assistance to help residents with short-term needs. Contact your town office to learn more and apply or call the toll-free hotline at