Consumer Assistance Programs

The Consumer Assistance staff responds to information requests, resolves consumer complaints, assesses utility compliance with consumer-related laws and Commission rules, reviews requests for waiver from the Commission’s rules for individual customers, and reviews requests from utilities to disconnect service for specific consumer accounts during the winter months.  The staff also assists utilities in designing and operating effective consumer service programs that are fair to both individual consumers and their other ratepayers.  You may contact the Consumer Assistance and Safety Division at 800-452-4699.  

Resources and Contact Info

Learn More About What Low Income Assistance Programs are Available

CAD Mission Statement

The mission of the Consumer Assistance Division is to ensure that customers, utilities, and the public receive fair and equitable treatment through education, resolution of complaints and evaluation of utility compliance. At all times we will seek to develop and advocate innovative and generic approaches and methods that provide better customer service.

Within the Consumer Assistance Division, we will work as a team, and encourage self-development and self-worth. We will encourage cooperation and treat everyone with respect. We will work in partnership with the Commission to achieve our mission.


We will educate and inform customers, utilities, and the public about utility related customer service issues and rights and responsibilities. We will focus on promoting understanding and preventing disputes.

Complaint Handling

We will respond to and investigate complaints between customers and utilities in a prompt, fair and reasonable manner. We will resolve disputes through mediation when we can, and we will emphasize respect between utilities, customers, and the Consumer Assistance Division. We will issue decisions that are clear and easily understood by all parties.

Evaluating and Improving Utility Customer Service Program

We will use Consumer Assistance Division contact information and other data in Commission proceedings to evaluate utility compliance with State and Commission directives and the effectiveness of utility customer service programs. We will encourage all parties to focus on preventing problems before they occur. Where customer service problems are found, we will guide parties to identify and correct their root cause.