Chapter 840 outlines the Commission process to apply for intervenor and participant funding, including information required to include in a petition for preliminary determination of eligibility (see Chapter 840)
Eligibility Guidelines from Chapter 840
An intervenor or participant is eligible for funding if:
- The position advocated by the intervenor or participant is not adequately represented by the Public Advocate or the Staff of the Commission;
- Participation in the proceeding by the intervenor or participant would impose a substantial financial hardship on the intervenor or participant;
- The intervenor or participant is likely to substantially contribute to the proceeding and to assist in the resolution of the issues raised in the proceeding; and
- The intervenor or participant complies with the eligibility determination requirements in Sections 3 and 6 of this rule (see Chapter 840)
Required Application Information
Note that there is no formal application form. The applicant should create a document that contains the headings and information required by the rule as noted above and submit it by email to Please contact Amy Dumeny at 207-287-3831 with any questions.
As stated in Chapter 840, § 3(B), the petition for preliminary determination of eligibility must include:
- Name and address of petitioner (please also include the email and phone number of the person responsible for providing additional information related to this application);
- All facts known to the intervenor or participant demonstrating that, but for the award of funding, participation in the proceeding will work a substantial financial hardship on the intervenor or participant. This showing may include certified balance sheets and income and expense statements for the last three fiscal years, in all cases where such information is available, together with all other relevant financial information that will aid the Commission in ascertaining the intervenor's or participant’s financial resources [this information will be confidential and provided only to Commission];
- A statement describing the position that the intervenor or participant intends to advocate on each issue together with a summary of the evidence and arguments that the intervenor or participant intends to present on that issue.
- If the intervenor or participant plans to hire an attorney or expert witness, an estimate of the amount of attorney's fees, expert witness fees, and other reasonable expenses to be incurred by the intervenor or participant preparing and advocating that position;
- In the event that the intervenor or participant is acting as an agent of or on behalf of other persons, documentation that the intervenor or participant is the authorized representative of those represented; and
- A statement about the appropriateness or inappropriateness of consolidating the presentation with that of other intervenors or participants who will advocate the same or similar position with respect to that issue or issues.