Pursuant to An Act To Amend State Laws Relating to Net Energy Billing and the Procurement of Distributed Generation. P.L. 2021, Chapter 390 (PDF) (Act) and Chapter 313 (DOC) of the Commission’s rules, the Maine Public Utilities Commission (MPUC) has established a process for projects seeking to participate in Net Energy Billing (NEB) in the State of Maine to submit documents related to the requirements and deadlines set forth in the Act.
Consistent with the Act, this process applies to projects with nameplate capacity of at least 2 MW and not more than 5 MW that are otherwise eligible for NEB in Maine.
This Process does not apply to:
- Projects that were in operation and participating in an NEB program prior to the enactment of the Act, which is October 18, 2021.
- Projects with nameplate capacity of less than 2 MW.
Relevant details are provided in the Documentation Process for Projects (Process Announcement, Addendum 1).
Enel X North America, Inc. (Enel X) is administering this process in partnership with the Commission. The Enel X Website contains process information, including all forms and required attestations, and is available here: https://www.exchange.enelx.com/webportal/Public/Announcement.aspx?ID=gcb4u6ICk5Q%3d.
All questions regarding this process must be submitted to the following email address: NEB@enel.com Questions and answers will be made anonymous and posted here and on the Enel X Website on a periodic basis.