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Wild Turkey Hunting

On this page:
- Landowner Privileges
- Wild Turkey Hunting Prohibitions
- Wild Turkey Legal Hunting Hours
- Wild Turkey Licensing, Permit, General Bag Limits and Who May Hunt
- Spring Wild Turkey Hunting
- Fall Wild Turkey Hunting
- 2024-2025 Wild Turkey Seasons and Bag Limits
Anyone who possesses a big game firearm license or archery license may obtain a combination spring/fall wild turkey permit. A small game hunting license, in addition to a spring/fall wild turkey permit, is also valid for hunting wild turkeys.
2024-2025 Turkey Hunting Quick Reference Guide (PDF)
Wild Turkeys can either be registered in-person at a registration station or self-registered online.
Landowner Privileges
The following laws and regulations are specific to spring and fall wild turkey hunting seasons. Hunters must also comply with all other applicable fish and wildlife laws. Any private landowner is eligible to hunt wild turkeys on their own land without a turkey hunting permit if:
1. That person owns a particular piece of land that is 25 or more contiguous acres in size and is located within the turkey hunting zone designated for the season that they wish to hunt;
2. That person is permanently domiciled on that land;
3. The land is managed for the raising and selling of dairy cattle, dairy products, or beef cattle; and
4. The land is open to hunting including hunting by permission only.
Any family member permanently domiciled on that land is also eligible to hunt wild turkeys on that land without a permit. (Family member means any family member, including spouse, grandchildren, etc. who resides on the property). A landowner must provide proof of eligibility if requested by an agent of the commissioner.
All other standard reporting and tagging procedures are required. Turkey may be taken during any open week of the season. Landowners are allowed a bag limit of up to 2 bearded wild turkeys in the spring season and up to 5 wild turkeys of either sex in the fall season. Please check the WMD in which you are hunting as some are closed, and others have bag limits varying anywhere from 1, up to 5 turkeys.
Wild Turkey Hunting Prohibitions
No person may:
- Employ the use of a dog or dogs in any manner while hunting turkey except during the fall season;
- Engage in an organized drive of any manner;
- Use bait;
- Use a trap or other device intended or designed to capture or ensnare wild turkeys;
- Shoot a turkey while it is in a tree;
- Present for registration, or allow to be registered in his or her name, a wild turkey that he/she did not lawfully kill;
- Hunt wild turkeys within a WMD which is closed to hunting wild turkeys.
- Possess any part or parts of a wild tur key unless each part is plainly labeled with the name and address of the person who registered the turkey, and the year it was registered;
- Buy, sell, offer for sale or barter, or aid someone in buying, selling, or offering for sale or barter, any wild turkey (except the plumage of legally taken turkeys).
- Hunt or register a wild turkey during the spring season after having killed or registered two turkeys.
- Possess any part or parts of a wild turkey unless each part is plainly labeled with the name and address of the person who registered the turkey, and the year it was registered;
Wild Turkey Legal Hunting Hours
Legal hunting time is from 1/2 hour before sunrise to 1/2 hour after sunset.
Wild Turkey Licensing, Permit and Who May Hunt
License & Permit
The spring and fall wild turkey hunting seasons are open to all hunters with valid big or small game hunting licenses. A combination spring/fall wild turkey permit is also required and available for $20, plus agent fee.
Who May Hunt
The turkey hunter must possess the spring/ fall wild turkey permit and their hunting license at all times while hunting. A person may assist in a hunt without a license or permit for that activity as long as that person does not carry a firearm or archery equipment (means to kill).
Spring Wild Turkey Hunting
The spring wild turkey hunting season is open statewide.
- Shotgun: A person can use shotgun gauges 10 through 20, using shot sizes 4 through 6 or mixed loads that include shot sizes 4 through 7. In addition, shotgun gauges 10 through 28, including .410, may be used with shot sizes 7 through 9 in Tungsten Super Shot (TSS). A person must possess a valid big or small game hunting license and a turkey permit.
- Archery Equipment: A person must possess a valid archery license, and a turkey permit.
- Dogs: It is unlawful to hunt with dogs during the spring wild turkey season.
- Electronic Calling Devices: The use of electronic calling devices is legal.
Fall Wild Turkey Hunting
- Shotgun: A person can use shotgun gauges 10 through 20, using shot sizes 4 through 6 or mixed loads that include shot sizes 4 through 7. In addition, shotgun gauges 10 through 28, including .410, may be used with shot sizes 7 through 9 in Tungsten Super Shot (TSS). A person must possess a valid big or small game hunting license and a turkey permit.
- Archery Equipment: A person must possess a valid archery license and a turkey permit.
- Dogs: Use of dogs is legal to hunt wild turkey during the fall season.
Note: The fall shotgun wild turkey season involves tactics that are different from the "sit and call" approach, and hunters are reminded to use extreme caution while hunting.
2024-2025 Wild Turkey Seasons and Bag Limits
All dates are inclusive except that hunting is prohibited on Sunday.
Season | Dates | Seasonal Bag Limit | Daily Bag Limit |
Fall Wild Turkey (archery equipment or shotgun) |
Wildlife Management Districts 15-17, 20-25 September 16, 2024 - November 7, 2024 |
5 Wild Turkeys, either-sex, any age* | No more than two wild turkeys may be harvested per permit holder per day, but cannot exceed the WMD bag limit. | |
Wildlife Management District 26 September 16, 2024 - November 7, 2024 |
3 Wild Turkeys, either-sex, any age* | ||
Wildlife Management District 28 September 16, 2024 - November 7, 2024 |
2 Wild Turkeys, either-sex, any age* | ||
Wildlife Management Districts 6-8, 10-14, 18, 19, 27, and 29 September 16, 2024 - November 7, 2024 |
1 Wild Turkey, either-sex, any age* | ||
Wildlife Management Districts 1-5 & 9 | Closed to taking of Wild Turkeys | ||
Youth Fall Wild Turkey Day September 14, 2024 |
May take up to 2 Wild Turkeys of any sex or age, without exceeding a WMD bag limit that has a 1-bird limit. | ||
*May take up to five wild turkeys for the fall season, but cannot exceed an individual WMD bag limit, the order in which they are taken does not matter. | |||
Spring Wild Turkey (archery equipment or shotgun) |
Wildlife Management Districts 7, 9-29 All hunters: April 28, 2025 - May 31, 2025 |
2 bearded Wild Turkeys** | |
Wildlife Management Districts 1-6 and 8 All hunters: April 28, 2025 - May 31, 2025 |
1 bearded Wild Turkey** | ||
Youth Spring Wild Turkey Hunting Day April 26, 2025 |
May take up to 2 bearded Wild Turkeys from WMDs that have a 2-bird limit. | ||
**May take up to 2 turkeys for the spring season, but an individual WMD bag limit cannot be exceeded. The order in which they are taken does not matter. |