Maine River Trips
Paddling along Maine’s many water ways is a favorite pastime for anglers and anyone who enjoys the serenity of being on the water, turning around bends only to share the river with wildlife and the splash of a rising fish. Here are a few trip ideas throughout the state, with varying lengths and difficulty levels. Before you go, always do you research and plan ahead. You may need to consult a gazetteer and other resources before making the trip. And always tell someone where you are going, and when you plan to return.

Fishing Responsibly with Live Baitfish
With an estimated 90% of baitfish sales occurring during winter, it’s important for anglers to be aware of Maine’s live-bait regulations. Because of the importance of our freshwater ecosystems, we walk a fine line trying to prevent the illegal introduction of harmful fish species while allowing anglers to continue Maine’s cultural tradition of using live baitfish where appropriate.

Fisheries Biologists Encourage Anglers to Harvest their Catch
If you have ever been fishing, either open water or ice fishing, it is likely you have heard someone say, “let them go and watch them grow.” While this catch and release message was important several decades ago when we saw more fishing pressure and higher harvest rates by anglers (and may still help some fisheries), other present day fisheries (and in Maine’s case, many fisheries) rely on harvest by anglers to maintain healthy fish populations and to achieve size quality management goals.

What are Maine’s fisheries biologists doing on the ice?
When you see the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife patch on the ice, it isn’t always a Maine Game Warden. Fisheries biologists spend the winter collecting important fisheries data by conducting winter creel surveys on the ice.
New 2021 Fishing Regulations for Moosehead Lake
We will be operating under new regulations when the ice fishing season opens on January 1st, 2021 on Moosehead Lake. Recently, the brook trout population in Maine’s largest lake has seen significant improvement with many fish in the three to six-pound range caught both summer and winter. It’s truly been an incredible few years. I don’t think anyone can remember a time when we have seen this many quality/trophy wild brook trout come from one lake in Maine.

Surveying Spawning Fish Across Maine
MDIFW Fisheries Resource Biologist Nick Kalejs driving to the trapnet location.
A New Fishing Tool: FLOAT
I’m sure many of you have hit the road at the crack of dawn to start a fishing trip and realized you didn’t have your fishing lawbook. Did you go out of your way to stop by a gas station or town office hoping they’d be open and have a copy? Or turn around to head home and waste even more of your precious fishing time? To me, neither of those options are ideal, and I’d rather not worry about remembering the lawbook along with my fishing gear, life jackets, snacks, sunscreen, bug spray…the list seems endless. I guess I could put a copy in my boat that never leaves the boat and remains in pristine condition? Yeah right!
No More Sweat, Blood, and Tears – Youth Fishing Can Actually be Simple, Convenient and Comfortable
By Fisheries Biologist Wes Ashe
In early May, I decided it was time to take my toddler son on a remote fishing trip. Greyson was a relatively proficient caster, earthworms no longer freaked him out, and he was big for his age. I was certain he was ready for the Maine outdoors. Plus, I already had my kayak stashed alongside a Heritage brook trout pond that only required a milelong roundtrip hike. What could possibly go wrong?
Should Anglers Catch and Release or Harvest Their Catch?
By Fisheries Resource Biologist Liz Thorndike
New state record lake trout caught on Richardson Lake
Last week, one lucky angler caught the fish of a lifetime when he landed a 44”, 39.2 pound lake trout. That angler, Erik Poland of Andover, caught the fish on Thursday, July 2 while fishing on Richardson Lake.
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