Local Foods Fund

When funds are available payments, will be made as first received, first paid.
E-mail Katie Knowles at katie.knowles@maine.gov for information
on receiving ADDITIONAL REIMBURSEMENT through a Child Nutrition Local Foods Training.

To file your Local Foods Claim, email the completed Summary Claim Form, signed by the Legal Agent to katie.knowles@maine.gov.

Summary Claim Form (Excel)

A list of approved products. 
A list of approved processed food

Program Year 2024

Directions and Description of the State of Maine Local Foods Reimbursement

Submission for reimbursement must meet the Maine Legislation Sec. 1. 20-A MRSA §6602, sub-§12. Listed below.


Local Foods Fund. The Local Foods Fund is established within the department. The fund is authorized to receive revenue from public and private sources. The fund must be held separate and apart from all other money, funds and accounts. Any balance remaining in the fund at the end of the fiscal year must be carried forward to the next fiscal year. The fund must be used to match $1 for every $3 a school administrative unit pays for produce, value-added dairy, protein or minimally processed foods purchased directly from a farmer, farmers' cooperative, local food hub, local food processor or food service distributor in the State, to a maximum state contribution of $5,000 per school administrative unit in fiscal year 2021‑22 and subsequent years or $5,500 per school administrative unit if funding is received and the school administrative unit sends a food service employee to local foods training administered by the department under subsection 13. All foods purchased using the fund must be grown or produced in the State, with the exception of processed and value-added food products produced in the State, which must meet standards set by the department. The department shall create standards for allowable processed and value-added food products produced in the State and provide guidance to school administrative units regarding which of those products are allowable for reimbursement under this subsection and subsection 12-A. At the end of the fiscal year, the school administrative unit may provide the department with receipts documenting purchases pursuant to this subsection during that year. Reimbursement or partial reimbursement to school administrative units may only be made up to the amount available in the fund. Failure to reimburse does not constitute an obligation on behalf of the State to a school administrative unit. The department shall apply for federal grant funding to provide state contributions in excess of $5,000 per school administrative unit in fiscal year 2021-22 and subsequent years pursuant to this subsection.

Local Foods Fund Simple Guidelines
  • Cannot be for produce offered through the FFVP.
  • Minimally processed as defined in law.
  • Receipts are paid first in first out, until the money is gone by using the Local Foods Fund claim form (linked above).
  • Items being requested for reimbursement must be listed on the claim form.
  • Requests will be processed in the same timeframe as the monthly claim form; the 8th of each month.
  • Receipts do not have to be originals.
  • Districts have a maximum of $5000 per year for SY2024 or $5500 if district participates in local foods training offered by the department.
  • Summary page must be attached to refund request.
  • DOE reserves the right to decline or prorate receipts to provide support to as many districts as reasonably possible.
  • DOE Child Nutrition staff will notify districts, through the list serve, when funds are no longer available.
Allowable Processed and Value-Added Food Products in the Maine Local Foods Fund

State legislation designated the Maine Department of Education to create standards for allowable processed and value-added food products produced in the State and provide guidance to school administrative units regarding which of those products are allowable for reimbursement.

An allowable processed and value-added product, must meet the following definition:

Be produced in the State of Maine and contain 51% or more agricultural raw materials grown, harvested, or produced in Maine by weight or volume. Water is excluded from this requirement.


Procedure for Maine Producers/Processors to Apply

Maine producers and processors that would like to qualify their processed and value-added food products must take the following steps:

1. Complete an electronic application
2. Using the links below, complete the product formulation sheet and attestation statement. Email both forms and product labels you are applying for to Katie Knowles, Farm & Sea to School Coordinator: katie.knowles@maine.gov

The Maine Department of Education will follow up as needed and will notify the producer/processor or approval.

Product Formulation Sheet for Maine Processed Foods
Attestation for Maine Processed Foods


Frequently Asked Questions - Allowable Processed and Value Added Food Products

Why is a product formulation statement required?

To verify that the requirement of 51% or more agricultural raw materials grown, harvested, or produced in Maine by weight or volume, is met.

Who should complete the product formulation statement?

It should be completed by the processor and/or whoever has knowledge on where the ingredients are sourced from and the amounts.