Feedback and Revision
How do feedback and revision foster student engagement and deepen understanding?
Feedback and revision are essential elements of the project-based learning process. Feedback may feed up or feed forward and is always checking back to the essential question for conceptual development. Actionable feedback relates to progress on driving questions and helps students develop new questions as part of the iterative process. Revison provides opportunity to improve the final product/project, based on the provided feedback, and deepening of student understanding.
We suggest keeping a journal to record the discussion prompts, within the modules and videos, and your responses.
To learn more about feedback and revision, and how to implement this instructional strategy in your curriculum, explore the materials below.
- Module 1: Task Level
"Feedback at the task and product level is powerful if it is more information-focused (for example, correct or incorrect), leads to acquiring more or different information, and builds more surface knowledge." Visible Learning for Teachers: Maximizing Impact of Learning, John Hattie, p. 133
- What is task level? View this video to learn more about task level feedback and revision. (~ 3 minutes)
Organizational structure of learning
- Consider a unit of study:
- Is there opportunity for task level feedback?
- Task Level Feedback PDF
- How might you support students in receiving and providing task level feedback?
- Feedback Templates PDF
- Is there opportunity for task level revision?
- How might you support students in engaging in task level revisions?
- What changes might you make?
- Is there opportunity for task level feedback?
- Module 2: Process Level
"Feedback at this process level appears to be more effective for enhancing deeper learning than it is at the task level, and there can be a powerful interactive effect between feedback aimed at improving strategies and processes, and feebcack aimed at he more surface task information." Visible Learning for Teachers: Maximizing Impact of Learning, John Hattie, p. 134
- What is process level? View this video to learn more about process level feedback and revision. (~ 2 ½ minutes)
- Consider a unit of study:
- Is there opportunity for process level feedback?
- Process Level Feedback PDF
- How might you support students in receiving and providing process level feedback?
- Feedback Templates PDF
- Is there opportunity for process level revision?
- How might you support students in engaging in process level revisions?
- What changes might you make?
- Is there opportunity for process level feedback?
- Module 3: Self-Reflection Level
"Feedback at this level can enhance students' skills in self-evaluation, provide greater confidence to engage further with the task, assist in the student seeking and accepting feedback, and enhance the willingness to invest effort into seeking and dealing with feedback information." Visible Learning for Teachers: Maximizing Impact of Learning, John Hattie, p. 134
- What is self-reflection level? View this video to learn about self-reflection level feedback and revision. (~ 2 minutes)
- Consider a unit of study:
- Is there opportunity for process level feedback?
- Self-Reflection Level Feedback PDF
- How might you support students in engaging in self-reflection level feedback?
- Feedback Templates PDF
- Is there opportunity for self-reflection level revision?
- How might you support students in engaging in self-reflection level revisions?
- What changes might you make?
- Is there opportunity for process level feedback?
- Wrap It Up
- View this video to wrap up our learning about Feedback and Revision (~ 3 ½ minutes)
Now that you have completed Feedback and Revision, please complete this short questionnaire to receive your contact hour certificate.
- Resources and Next Steps
Feedback and Revision
Resources used to support the development of this professional learning opportunity:
- Visible Learning for Teachers: Maximizing Impact of Learning by John Hattie
- Mathematics Formative Feedback Assessment: 75 Practical Strategies for Linking Assessment, Instruction, and Learning by Page Keeley and Cheryl Rose Tobey
- Developing Self-Regulating Learners: The Critical Role of Feedback by Cheryl Tobey and Lynn Goldsmith
- Bringing math Students Into the Formative Assessment Equation: Tools and Strategies for the Middle Grades by Creighton, Tobey, Karnowski, & Fagan
- Blog: The Purpose of Assessment Feedback and How Teachers Can Ace It by Lee Crockett
Additional Resources to explore:
- From Teaching Times: How to Give Effective Feedback in PBL
- From the Buck Institute: Four Ways to Give Feedback in PBL
- From Hacking PBL: Five Simple Ways to Give Feedback During Project Based Learning
Next Steps for continued learning:
Return to the Interdisciplinary Instruction Professional Learning page