The Maine Department of Education (DOE), as the State Education Agency (SEA), is responsible for the oversight and monitoring of programs and activities carried out under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).
The General Education Provisions Act (GEPA) requires that each state "adopt and use proper methods of administering each applicable program, including monitoring of agencies, institutions, and organizations responsible for carrying out each program." Monitoring procedures must be designed to promote each subrecipient’s progress in achieving program goals and objectives; adherence to laws, regulations and assurances governing the program; and conformity to the approved application, performance reports or other relevant documents. Likewise, the Code of Federal Regulations requires the SEA to monitor grants to ensure compliance with applicable Federal requirements and that performance goals are achieved.
The Maine DOE has adopted a consolidated approach to monitoring State Administrative Units (SAUs), both to ensure compliance with federal laws and to support the effective implementation of local programs. The following programs are included within Maine DOEs consolidated ESEA program monitoring: Title I, Part A; Title I, Part D; Title II, Part A; Title III, Part A; Title IV, Part A, and Title V, Part B, Subpart II.
- ESEA Federal Programs Monitoring Guidance
- ESEA Monitoring Training (PDF of upcoming September 2024 training)
- Monitoring Instrument Training (Grants4ME training from March 2023)
- Monitoring Instrument FAQ
Monitoring Fact Sheets - Fall
Medium Items
- (A8) Title III: Family Engagement (Title III)
- (A9) Prioritizing High-Needs (Title II, Part A)
- (B1) Stakeholder Engagement (Title IV, Part A)
- (B4) Parent Notification of Teacher Qualifications (Title I, Part A)
- (B5) Testing Notifications (Title I, Part A)
- (B8) Parental Notification of ML Status (Title I or III with language programs)
- (B9) ML Guardian Outreach (Title I or III with language programs)
- (C1) Class Size Reduction (Title II, Part A)
- (D1) Timely and Meaningful Non-Public Consultation (ESEA Equitable Services)
- (E1) Detailed Accounting Records (ESEA Fiscal)
- (E4) Time and Effort (ESEA Fiscal)
- (E8) Title IA Supplement, Not Supplant (Title I, Part A)
High Items
- (A2) TAS Program Implementation Requirements (Title I, Part A)
- (B6) Parent and Family Feedback (Title I, Part A)
- (B7) Parental Notification of Academic Progress (Title I, Part A)
- (S1) ATSI School Improvement Plans (Title IA, Section 1003)
- (S2) CSI School Improvement Plans (Title IA, Section 1003)
Monitoring Fact Sheets - Winter
Medium Items
- A1) Prioritizing High-Need School(s) (Title IV, Part A)
- (A4) Evaluation of Progress (Title I, Part D)
- (A5) Multilingual Identification and Exit Procedures (Title III)
- (A7) Curricular Alignment (Title I, Part D)
- (B8) Parental Notification of ML Status (Title I or III with language programs)
- (B11) Timely Family Communication (Title I, Part A)
- (B12) School-Parent Compact (Title I, Part A)
- (C2) Collaboration of Professional Development Planning (Title II, Part A)
- (C4) Title III: Effective Professional Development (Title III)
- (E2) Travel Policy (ESEA Fiscal)
- (E5) Non-Public Procurement and Payment Process (ESEA Fiscal)
- (E7) Written Procurement Standards (ESEA Fiscal)
High Items
- (A3) Transition Strategies (Title I, Part D)
- (A6) Updated Comprehensive Needs Assessment and/or Updated Schoolwide Plan (Title I, Part A)
- (B2) Parent and Family Involvement (Title I, Part D)
- (B10) School Level Parent Involvement Policy (Title I, Part A)
- (C3) Statutorily Defined Professional Development (Title II, Part A)
- (E3) Procurement Standards (ESEA Fiscal)
- (E6) Equipment Policy and Procedures (ESEA Fiscal)