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Project Staff
The Maine Breeding Bird Atlas project staff extends a sincere thank you to the partner organizations and committee individuals who will contribute a significant amount of time and effort to this project.
Project Staff
Project Director
Adrienne Leppold, Ph.D. (MDIFW) (adrienne DOT j DOT leppold AT maine DOT gov)
Project Coordinator
Glen Mittelhauser (MNHO) (mainebirdatlas AT gmail DOT com)
Outreach Coordinators
Doug Hitchcox (dhitchcox AT maineaudubon DOT org)
Laura Zitske (lzitske AT maineaudubon DOT org)
Spatial Analysis and Mapping
Amy Meehan (MDIFW) (amy DOT meehan AT maine DOT gov)
Ecological Modeler
Evan Adams, Ph.D. (BRI) (evan DOT adams AT briloon DOT org)
Steering Committee Members
- Adrienne Leppold
- Glen Mittelhauser
- Doug Hitchcox
- Amy Meehan
- Evan Adams
- Bill Hancock
- Bill Sheehan
- Bob Duchesne
- Louis Bevier
- Judy Camuso
- Tom Hodgman
- Amber Roth
- Laura Zitske
Scientific and Technical Sub-committee
- Adrienne Leppold
- Glen Mittelhauser
- Doug Hitchcox
- Amy Meehan
- Evan Adams
- Amber Roth
- Brian Olsen