School Health Service: Communicable Disease & Emergency Care


Communicable Disease & Emergency Care Topic Areas

Communicable Diseases | Concussion ManagementCPR & Automated External Defibrillators (AED)Emergency Action Planning Program for After-School ActivitiesLife-threatening AllergyOpioid Overdose Reversal | Pandemic Planning

Communicable Diseases

Schools should have protocols and procedures for: 
  • Educating school personnel regarding symptoms and management of communicable diseases 
  • Training for handling blood-borne pathogens (Required by OSHA
  • Keeping children with signs of communicable disease at home and seeking appropriate treatment 
  • Record-keeping regarding non-immunized children during outbreaks 
  • Exclusion and follow-up of children who are not immunized against vaccine-preventable diseases or who have contracted a communicable disease. 
  • Designating the school nurse (or other school official) as liaison with public health officials for the reporting of notifiable diseases and conditions. 
Maine CDC Communicable Disease School Health Resource 
  • Most diseases, such as ringworm, impetigo, and scabies, must be handled locally and not reported to public health officials. The School Health page managed by the Maine CDC contains disease-specific information sheets that include symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, and role of the school nurse, including prevention recommendations and links to more information. Questions and consults may be addressed to or 1-800-821-5821 

Communicable Disease Quick Guide for Schools and Childcare Centers 2024  (for printing, use 11x17 paper)

Concussion Management

CPR & Automated External Defibrillators (AED)

Staff who are in a position to provide first-aid to students are recommended to complete an approved first-aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) course. 

Policies/procedures for a school AED should include: 

  • Location of AED(s) and related equipment 
  • Designation of who is responsible for the AED program and identification of the medical director 
  • Process, schedule, and checklist for inspecting and maintaining equipment and supplies 
  • Process of communication when AED is used 
  • Record keeping when AED is used 
  • Initial and periodic refresher training of staff 

Maine Emergency Medical Service (EMS) for Children 

CPR Training for Students

Maine Department of Education Rule Chapter 41  requires public schools to offer training to students on how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and use automated external defibrillators (AEDs). Certification for students is not required in CPR or AED use; however, a certification course would meet the requirement. Contact a local CPR trainer or visit the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross website.

Maine DOE Notice for Updated Chapter 41, March 24, 2024

Stop the BleedR

Maine Department of Education is proud to be an Educational Licensee of Stop the BleedR. Join the growing number of people who are trained. In under one hour, you can learn to save the life of a friend, a family member, a colleague or someone you don’t know! If you are a Maine school interested in having your staff trained, email us at

Visit to find out more. 


Stop the Bleed Educational License Image



Emergency Action Planning Program for After-School Activities

Life-threatening Allergy

Life-threatening Allergy Protocol is required for all schools which must be available on the governing body's publicly accessible website or the publicly accessible website of each school under the governing body's jurisdiction or, if those websites do not exist, make the protocol publicly available through other means as determined by the governing body.  
Life-Threatening Allergy Protocol Sample 

American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology: Stock Epinephrine Toolkit for Schools

Collaborative Practice Agreement (Optional) This agreement directs trained unlicensed school staff to “administer an epinephrine auto-injector in good faith to any student experiencing anaphylaxis during school or a school-sponsored activity.” This agreement will be in force for twelve months and must be renewed annually.  

Sample Collaborative Practice Agreement [Includes both Naloxone and Epinephrine] (PDF) (Word) 

Training materials that can be used by school nurses
Schools may utilize programs to assist in supplying a stock of Epinephrine: 

Opioid Overdose Reversal

As directed by the 130th Maine legislature, the Department provides these guidelines and resources for schools that choose to stock emergency medication for a suspected opioid overdose on school grounds.  As directed by 131st Maine Legislature, Public Law 2023, Chapter 460 all public schools are required to offer training to secondary students in the administration of naloxone hydrochloride in nasal spray form. Resources to assist schools in both stocking naloxone and offering training to students and staff are included here. Maine DOE Notice for Updated Chapter 41, March 24, 2024 

Chapter 41 Adopted Language



Other Resources 

Pandemic Planning


Links to organizations and resources are for reference and information only and do not imply endorsement by the

Maine Department of Education.


Emily Poland, MPH, RN, NCSN 
School Nurse Consultant
Coordinated School Health Team Leader
Phone: 207-592-0387