Provider Application and Onboarding Resources

Waiver Services

About Applying

OADS accepts applications on an ongoing basis for entities wishing to provide services for the following waiver programs:

  • Section 18 (Home and Community-Based Services for Adults with Brain Injury)
  • Section 20 (Home and Community Based Services for Adults with Other Related Conditions)
  • Section 21 (Home and Community Benefits for Members with Intellectual Disabilities or Autism Spectrum Disorder)
  • Section 29 (Support Services for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities or Autism Spectrum Disorder)

How to Become a Waiver Service Provider

Use and follow these steps in sequence to apply to become a provider.

Define the services you wish to provide.

Please take time to understand the nature of the service you intend to offer.

  • Section 18 (Home and Community-Based Services for Adults with Brain Injury)
  • Section 20 (Home and Community Based Services for Adults with Other Related Conditions)
  • Section 21 (Home and Community Benefits for Members with Intellectual Disabilities or Autism Spectrum Disorder)
  • Section 29 (Support Services for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities or Autism Spectrum Disorder)

Understand if the service you want to offer requires Licensing or Staff Certifications or Qualifications.

The following services require licensing:

Resources for those providing professional services to persons with disabilities:

Understand the Rules and Regulations that govern the provision of services for waivers in Maine under MaineCare.

As a business owner, you are required to understand and abide by the following regulations.

If you are an organization, you need to submit your Articles of Incorporation with OADS. A copy of the documents you filed with the Maine Secretary of State will suffice.

You are a business with operational requirements and need to understand how to run a business. Unfortunately, OADS cannot provide business consulting services. Here are some free resources on starting and running a small business

If you are an organization, you are required to file a Policies and Procedures Manual.

This Manual will, among other functions, will serve to:

  • Outline how your organization will ensure that the State and Federal laws are followed with clear procedures for staff.
  • Define how staff will train to understand both the laws and internal procedures.
  • Define the organization’s procedures for quality assurance to meet the requirements of State and Federal law.
  • Clearly define roles and responsibilities for staff and management.

If you are an organization with employees, you are required to file a current Employee Handbook with OADS

The Employee Handbook will, among other functions, will serve to:

  • Provide internal guidance on employer expectations regarding professional behavior in association with the services provided for waiver recipients.
  • Create clear rules and regulations regarding employee and management behavior and practices.
  • Define clear processes if there are violations of internal policies and procedures.
  • Define outcomes or consequences of violations.

Next, review the application checklist, and fill out an application (Word)

Send in the application and all the materials required to:

Next steps following your application

  • OADS will send acknowledgement of receipt of the application.
  • The application will be reviewed for completeness, using qualification criteria.
  • During the review process, the applicant may be asked to provide additional documentation.

Post-Application Process

  • If the application is approved, then the following steps are involved:
    • Applicant also applies to Licensing if required
    • Applicant also applies to MaineCare
    • OADS conducts an initial meeting (Waiver and Quality Assurance Services) to assess needs, provide support and direction etc.
    • Applicant can now define service locations
    • Applicant will access the Health PAS Portal to define service locations
    • OADS Location Review
    • OADS Location Approval
    • Letter of Location Approval is required from OADS to receive MaineCare waiver members
    • New Provider can start receiving waiver members
  • If application is not approved in any stage of these latter processes, a letter will be provided outlining the areas that were deficient in the application.


If you are a prospective Waiver Services provider and have questions, you may contact OADS at