Adult Day Services programs are designed to provide older adults and adults with disabilities the opportunity to engage in community-based services, including: structured social, recreational and therapeutic activities, limited health services, meals, supervision, support services, personal care services, information and referrals and respite for caregivers.
Adult Day Services promote personal independence through a variety of activities offered to participants based on individual needs and interests. Adult Day Services are funded through MaineCare as well as through state funded programs. Other resources may be available to eligible participants funded from grants and private non-profit organizations.
The State of Maine requires an assessment to determine an individual’s functional and financial eligibility for a variety of services, including Adult Day Services that are funded by certain state programs or through MaineCare. Assessments assist individuals and their families understand what services are available to them and to plan for service needs.
How to Apply
To get an assessment, you can:
Option 1: Call an Adult Day Services provider directly
Option 2: Connect with your local Aging and Disability Resource Center
Option 3: Call the Maine Assessing Services Agency at 1-833-525-5784 (fax 844-356-7500).