Independent Support Brokers

What is a Support Broker?

Support Brokers are trained self-direction experts who provide help and advice as you self-direct. If you are concerned about the responsibilities involved with self-direction, you will always have a Support Broker to help if you need it.

A Support Broker does not replace your Case Manager. If you choose to self-direct, your Case Manager will still work with you to develop a person-centered plan and coordinate your services. A Support Broker’s job is to make sure you are getting what you need and want out of self-direction.

About Independent Support Brokers

Are you interested in becoming an Independent Support Broker? The following resources are available to guide you through the process.

Apply Today

  1. Complete the Independent Support Broker Training.
  2. Complete your background check through the Maine Criminal History Record and Juvenile Crime Information Request Services (Does not work with Google Chrome).
  3. Complete the Support Broker application and you will be listed in the Provider Directory.

Tools for Support Brokers