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ATV Safety
Riding an ATV can be a great way to enjoy the outdoors, whether it's in your own back yard, or exploring on the thousands of miles of trails available in Maine. ATV s (including UTV s and off road motorcycles) can also be useful around the woodlot or farm and let's face it, they're simply fun to ride! It's important to ride safely, responsibly, and to be prepared before you go. Many of Maine's ATV trails reside on private land. Respecting these generous private landowners by riding responsibly is critical to maintaining trail access in Maine. Educating yourself before you go is an important component of being a safe and responsible offroad operator.
In Maine, youth ages 10 to under 16, must successfully complete an approved ATV Safety Certification course to legally operate on land other than their own. Anyone 16 years of age or older is encouraged to take the course to be educated and prepared for safe riding.
The ATV Safety Course is available in two different formats: online and in-person.
Students 12 and older can complete the Official Maine ATV/Snowmobile Safety course online at offroad-ed.com/maine. The cost to register for the online course is $34.95. Upon successful completion of the online course, students will receive their Maine ATV/Snowmobile Safety Certification card that may be printed or you may order one through the provider. This course combines both ATV and Snowmobile content, and while snowmobile education is not mandated by law, it's simply good to have as many that ride ATV s also ride snowmobiles.
In-person courses are available to all students ages 10 and up, and are taught by certified volunteer instructors. The in-person course uses the "Today's Rider" student manual and provides the opportunity to ask questions of instructors and gain further guidance. There is typically no fee to complete a traditional in-person course, although some course hosts require a nominal fee to help cover facility rental or cleaning costs. Please note: Maine continues to offer in-person courses in ATV certification, or snowmobile certification, and some courses are combined courses where the student will earn both. (Check the course listing to find the course you prefer.)
Total Course = 6 hours
- Proper Operation and Safety (Riding Skill-Equipment-Maintenance) = 2 Hours
- Laws = 1/2 Hour
- Emergencies & Survival = 40 Minutes
- Map & Compass = 1 Hour
- Self Help First Aid = 20 Minutes
- Environmental/Landowner/Ethics = 1 1/2 Hours
New courses will be posted below as they become available.
Current Courses
County | Location | Contact | Date/Time | Info |
Androscoggin | Lewiston - Central Maine Powersports | Darcey Emery - (207) 699-9623 or darceyemery@gmail.com for questions/information | March 15, 9am-4pm |
Kennebec | Sidney - Kramer's Inc | Darcey Emery - (207) 699-9623 or darceyemery@gmail.com for questions/information | February 22, 9am-4pm |
Kennebec | Sidney - Kramer's Inc | Darcey Emery - (207) 699-9623 or darceyemery@gmail.com for questions/information | March 01, 9am-4pm |
Kennebec | Sidney - Kramer's Inc | Darcey Emery - (207) 699-9623 or darceyemery@gmail.com for questions/information | April 05, 9am-4pm |
Kennebec | Sidney - Kramer's Inc | Darcey Emery - (207) 699-9623 or darceyemery@gmail.com for questions/information | May 17, 9am-4pm |
Aroostook | Caribou - Caribou Wellness & Rec | Neal Sleeper - (207) 493-4224 or sleeper@cariboumaine.org for questions/information | May 10, 8:30am-4pm |
York | Wells - Wells High School Rm 215 | Tammy Daly - 646-4565 or tdaly@wocsd.org for questions/information | April 05, 9am-4pm |
Aroostook | Washburn - Washburn Town Office | Dan Robertson - (207) 592-9559 or acso208@gmail.com for questions/information | April 12, 9am-4pm |
Cumberland | Brunswick - Sam's Italian Food | Darcey Emery - (207) 699-9623 or darceyemery@gmail.com for questions/information | March 23, 9am-4pm |
Cumberland | Brunswick - Sam's Italian Food | Darcey Emery - (207) 699-9623 or darceyemery@gmail.com for questions/information | April 13, 9am-4pm |
Cumberland | Brunswick - Sam's Italian Food | Darcey Emery - (207) 699-9623 or darceyemery@gmail.com for questions/information | May 04, 9am-4pm |
Cumberland | Brunswick - Sam's Italian Food | Darcey Emery - (207) 699-9623 or darceyemery@gmail.com for questions/information | May 18, 9am-4pm |
Oxford | Andover - Lone Mountain Riverfront Campground | Darcey Emery - (207) 699-9623 or darceyemery@gmail.com for questions/information | June 08, 9am-4pm |
Can't find a course for your area? Contact the Recreational Safety Division Office at (207) 287-5220.
Students must be at least nine years old to attend the in-person course, students under 16 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
When registering either by telephone or email, please be sure to include your full name, telephone number, and which course, date and location you are signing up for.