MDPB Protocol Discussion Forum Sept 10 Reminder

A reminder that there will be a protocol discussion forum with the MDPB on

  • September 10, 2020 at 12:30 pm

Zoom access

By computer/tablet at 

By phone at 1-646-558-8656

Meeting ID: 345 024 1513

Currently, the MDPB is reviewing and providing updates the Maine EMS Protocols for a planned delivery date of December 1, 2021.  Comments are welcome and appreciated and can be provided by submission to the respective section author listed on the MDPB Resources Page (under 2021 Protocols) (which is the preferred method) or during MDPB meetings.  It is helpful to have constructive suggestions combined with any evidence or research supporting the suggestion.

Additional information can be found at the MDPB Resources page, and by attending the regular MDPB meetings on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 0930 (see the Maine EMS Calendar for zoom access info)