AED Registry Contractor Openings

Interested in making a little extra money? Interested in helping save lives? Maine EMS is looking to contract with a few Maine EMS Licensed clinicians and dispatchers across that state to assist with the rollout of the Maine statewide AED registry. This contracted position would ensure the AED’s currently in the database are up to date by contacting representatives to ensure accurate locations and expiration dates. There will also be a small outreach competent of education for Public Safety Answering Point centers.


The timeline of work will be as follows:

Applications will be accepted through 11/14/2023

Applicants will be notified by 11/20/2023

Onboarding will be completed by 11/30/2023

Completion of contracts by 1/26/2024


If you want specific details or to apply, please click here: In order to complete an application, you must also email Soliana Goldrich your resume at

Image advertising AED registry contractor job openings