NEO Financial System Upload File Format


File and Folder Names

  1. BudgetRevenue.txt

  2. BudgetExpenditure.txt

  3. BudgetBalanceSheet.txt

  4. ActualRevenue.txt

  5. ActualExpenditure.txt

  6. ActualBalanceSheet.txt


File formats - Tab Separated Value. In Excel select Save as:

Text (Tab delimited) (*.txt)

Header - First line in each file should have:
SAU    ReportName            RecordCount               DateTime

1000        BudgetRevenue                   967                            04/15/2006 12:00:00 AM


File names -

Format -

SAUCode     FiscalYear     Quarter     FundCode     RevenueCode     Title     Amount

SAUCode     FiscalYear     Quarter     FundCode     ProgramCode     FunctionCode     ObjectCode     CostCenter     Title     Amount

SAUCode     FiscalYear     Quarter     FundCode     BalanceSheetCode     Title     Amount

SAUCode     FiscalYear     Quarter     FundCode     RevenueCode     Description     Amount

SAUCode     FiscalYear     Quarter     FundCode     ProgramCode     FunctionCode     ObjectCode     CostCenter     Title     Amount

SAUCode     FiscalYear     Quarter     FundCode     BalanceSheetCode     Title     Amount


Data types are as follows -

Amount = up to 10000000000.00    10 Billion with two decimal places and no comma separators,

BalanceSheetCode = 4 Digit Numeric 

CostCenter = 2 Digit Numeric (01, 02, 03, 04, 99)

Title = 200 Char Text without tabs in them (Support expenditures purchased services students)

FiscalYear = 4 Digit Numeric (07/08 would be 2008)

FunctionCode = 4 Digit Numeric

FundCode = 4 Digit Numeric

ObjectCode = 4 Digit Numeric

ProgramCode = 4 Digit Numeric

Quarter = 2 Digits Numeric (01, 02, 03, 04)

Revenue Code = 4 Digit Numeric

SAUCode = 4 Digit Numeric 1000-9999