Administrators and teachers of the gifted and talented will complete this worksheet prior to their program's annual review.
Download the following chart (RTF, 75KB)
Sample Program Evaluation
Information we are looking for |
Person completing this form |
Information sources |
Comments and questions |
Goals and objectives |
Are the goals/objectives implemented or do they only exist on paper? |
Have the goals/objectives been updated? |
Identification |
Are we identifying 5% of the population? |
Do we need to revise our identification tools? |
To what degree are our identification tools identifying underrepresented populations? |
Curriculum |
Does the curriculum address the needs of the identified students? |
Is there a scope and sequence plan? |
Do the students exhibit achievement? |
Are the students challenged? |
Program |
Is the program consistent with the philosophy? |
Do students have positive attitudes toward the program? |
Does the program detract from the achievement in the regular classroom? |
Is the program limited by time? How? |
The teacher |
Is the teacher trained in gifted education? |
Does the teacher like to work with gifted students? |
Program organization and operation |
Do staff and administration understand and support the program? |
Are the monies allocated adequate to support the program? |
Is the program evaluated appropriately? |