Online Map Database

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The online map database contains up to five different map types for each town. Each one combines data from multiple sources to deliver the clearest possible picture of a specific habitat type. The maps are:

Water Resources and Riparian Habitats (Map 1)

These maps depict surface water features, shoreline habitats, drainage areas, riparian zones, public water supply wells, brook trout habitats, and shellfish growing areas.

High Value Plant and Animal Habitats (Map 2)

These maps show known locations of rare, threatened, endangered, or declining plant and animal species, significant habitats, and rare and exemplary natural communities.

Undeveloped Habitat Blocks and Connections (Map 3)

These maps highlight large (100+ acre) areas of undeveloped land and probable habitat connections, plus boundaries of existing conserved lands. They also show development patterns, existing land cover, and the condition of remaining habitat.

Wetlands Characterization (Map 7)

These maps code wetlands with six different ecological functions: (1) runoff/floodflow alteration, (2) erosion control/sediment retention, (3) finfish habitat, (4) shellfish habitat, (5) plant and animal habitat, and (6) cultural/educational uses.

Co-occurrence of Natural Resources

These maps show areas where valued habitat features converge. Each feature is assigned a weight (1 to 4), and the sum of those values is depicted as a different shade of green (the larger the sum, the darker the color). They provide a helpful overview for locating concentrations of natural resources in town and can be modified to include other features important to the town.