Work Plan Glossary

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Airport Master PlanAn airport master plan is a comprehensive study of an airport that describes the short, medium and long term development plans to meet future aviation demand.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)The Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits discrimination and ensures equal opportunity for persons with disabilities in employment, government services, public accommodations, commercial facilities and transportation.
ApronThe area of an airport intended to accommodate the loading and unloading of passengers and cargo, and the refueling, servicing, and parking of aircraft.
Asphalt EscalatorPayment adjustment for Hot Mix Asphalt material based on current asphalt prices.
Automatic vehicle location (AVL)Automatic vehicle location is a means of determining the location of a vehicle and transmitting that information to a receiver, allowing transit agencies to determine location of transit vehicles, wait times, and other information.
BIGBoating Infrastructure Grants
BridgeA span length of at least 20 feet, in accordance with Federal law.
Bridge DeckThe portion of the bridge that provides direct support for vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
Bridge Scour CountermeasuresTechniques employed to mitigate the effects of sediment scour and other hydraulic stress on bridge structures.
Bridge SubstructureThe parts of a bridge that are below the bottom of the girders.  Pilings, shafts, spread footings, and columns may be part of the substructure.
Bridge SuperstructureThe parts of a bridge that are above the bottom of the girders.  Girders, bridge deck, and bridge railing are parts of the superstructure.
Catch BasinA reservoir for collecting surface drainage or runoff.
Cold Storage BuildingA building facility used to store salt and sand materials for use in maintaining a roadway facility in winter.
Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ)A source of Federal-aid funding for transportation improvements designed to improve air quality and mitigate congestion.
Crack SealingRoadway or runway surface crack sealing treatments, to prevent surface damage from freeze thaw cycles.
CulvertAny pipe or other structure under a roadway that has a span of less than 10 feet or multiple pipes or other structures with a combined opening of less than 80 square feet in area.
Customer Service Level (CSL)A measure of how a road compares to other roads of the same priority across the state based on safety, condition and service.
Debt ServiceThe series of payments of interest and principal required on a debt over a given period of time.
EasementA certain right to use the real property of another without possessing it.
Enhanced Project ScopingA planning process intended to manage future risk by detailing the basic need, possible impacts, roadway design matters, potential cost, and stakeholder issues of proposed projects.
FAAFederal Aviation Administration.
Feasibility StudyAn analysis and evaluation of a proposed action which is based on extensive investigation and research to determine order-of-magnitude costs and benefits for the proposed action.
FHWAFederal Highway Administration
Finger FloatsFloating parallel docks for use as a boat slip.
FRAFederal Rail Administration
FTAFederal Transit Administration
FTA 5303Funding provided by FTA for metropolitan transportation planning.
FTA 5304Funding provided by FTA for statewide and nonmetropolitan transportation planning.
FTA 5307FTA funding for transit investments, operating assistance and transportation planning in urbanized areas.
FTA 5310FTA funding to improve transportation for Seniors and individuals with disabilities.
FTA 5311Funding provided by FTA to support public transportation in rural areas.
FTA 5337FTA funding to finance capital projects to maintain public transportation systems in a state of good repair.
FTA 5339FTA funding to replace, rehabilitate and purchase buses and related equipment and to construct bus-related facilities.
GARVEEA Grant Anticipation Revenue Vehicle is any bond or other form of debt repayable, either exclusively or primarily, with future Federal-aid highway funds under Section 122 of Title 23 of the United States Code. 
General FundA fund used to account for all transactions of a governmental unit that are not accounted for in another fund.
General Obligation BondsBonds for whose payment the full faith and credit of issuing body are pledged. More commonly, general obligation bonds are considered to be those payable from taxes and other general revenues.
Grader WorkReshaping the shoulder of the highway to facilitate runoff to ditches.
GuardrailRailing designed to keep vehicles from straying into dangerous or off-limits areas.
Guardrail Crash CushionEnergy absorbing cushioning device that offers protection from collisions with fixed guardrail installations.
HangarA large building for storing and maintaining aircraft.
Highway & Bridge CapitalCapital investments for highway and bridge improvements.
Highway & Bridge MaintenanceMaintenance investments for the highway and bridge program.
Highway Corridor Priority (HCP)A classification system based upon common-sense factors including the economic importance of the road. All 23,400 miles of Maine public highway into six priority levels:
Highway FundThe Highway Fund is an account that receives their resources mainly through fuel taxes and is used to fund projects that are related to the State's highway system .
Highway RehabilitationStructural enhancements that extend the service life of an existing pavement and/or improve its load carrying capacity.
Highway Trust Fund (HTF)An account established by law to hold Federal highway user taxes that are dedicated for highway and transit related purposes. The HTF has two accounts: the Highway Account, and the Mass Transit Account.
HPPThe High Priority Projects program provides designated funding for specific projects identified in SAFETEA-LU.
Intermodal FacilityA transportation facility designed to facilitate the change in mode for passenger or freight movement.
Interpretive SignsSigns used to inform and make visitors aware of notable features of an area.
Large CulvertFormerly known as a strut, a large culvert is a pipe or other structure that has a clear span between 5 and 10 feet, or multiple pipes or structures with a combined opening between 19 and 80 square feet in area.
LCPLight Capital Paving, also known as a maintenance surface treatment is typically the application of a 5/8" nominal overlay, used as a holding action on unbuilt roads.
LEDLight-Emitting Diode's are semiconductor light sources that are highly efficient, used in highway lighting and signage installations.
Local Road Assistance The program working with tribal and municipal jurisdictions to provide training, technical assistance and information regarding the construction, maintenance, and managing of local roads and bridges in the State of Maine.
MAP-21Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century, the new transportation law reauthorizing surface transportation programs through 2014.
Mill and FillA pavement management program that extends the life of existing roadways by removing a portion of the roadway surface then replacing it with a suitable depth of new hot mix asphalt.
MitigationActions that avoid, minimize, or compensate for potential adverse impacts.
MPOMetropolitan Planning Organization. Regional planning entity responsible for transportation planning and approval of federal transportation funding for the region. Maine has four: Androscoggin Transportation Resource Center (ATRC), Bangor Area Comprehensive Transportation System (BACTS), Kittery Area Comprehensive Transportation Study (KACTS) and the Portland Area Comprehensive Transportation Committee (PACTS).
MSFSMaine State Ferry Service.
MTAThe Maine Turnpike Authority is a body that was established with the purpose of constructing, maintaining, reconstructing and operating a toll highway from Kittery to Augusta.
MultimodalThe transportation of goods or passengers performed by several different modes of transport. This can include rail, bus, ferry, bicycling, walking, and aviation.
Multimodal CapitalCapital outlays for non-highway transportation investments
Multimodal OperationsOperating outlays for non-highway transportation investments.
Multi-use PathA path or sidewalk designed for use by cyclists and pedestrians.
Municipal Partnership Initiative (MPI)It is a creative method to develop, fund, and build projects of municipal interest on the state infrastructure system with MaineDOT as a partner. 
National Highway Performance Program (NHPP)Provides funding for construction and maintenance projects located on the National Highway System.
National Highway System (NHS)A highway system, consisting primarily of existing Interstate routes and a portion of the federally designated principal arterial highways.
Park and Ride LotsDesignated parking areas for drivers who wish to ride in another vehicle for the remainder of their trip.
Pedestrian RefugeA small section of pavement or sidewalk, completely surrounded by asphalt or other road materials, where pedestrians can stop before finishing crossing the road.
PilingsLinear members usually shaped hexagon, square, round or "H" constructed of timber, steel, concrete, or a composite of these materials, driven into the earth to carry structural load.
Plant Mix Recycled Asphalt Pavement (PMRAP)A cold pavement mix consisting of reclaimed asphalt materials used as a base to add structure and correct deficient cross slopes.
Precision Approach Path IndicatorA visual aid consisting of lights in a single row of either two or four light units set perpendicular to the runway centerline. The row of light units is normally installed on the left side of the runway.
Preliminary Engineering (PE)Engineering work done prior to advertising a project.
Preservation PavingPaving done to a highway facility that facilitates the preservation of the investment.
Priority 1 RoadsThese roads include the Maine Turnpike, the interstate system and key principal arterials like Route 1 in Aroostook County, the Airline (Route 9), Route 2 west of Newport, and Route 302.
Priority 2 RoadsPriority 2 roads are non-interstate, high value arterials.
Priority 3 RoadsThese roads generally are the remaining arterials and most significant major collector highways.
Priority 4 RoadsThese roads generally are the remainder of the major collector highways, often also part of Maine's unique state aid system, in which road responsibilities are shared between the state and municipalities.
Priority 5 RoadsThese roads are 2,480 miles of minor collector highways, almost all on the state aid system.
Priority 6 RoadsThese roads are local roads and streets, and are the year-round responsibility of our municipal partners.
ReconstructionThe rebuilding of an existing highway to modern design standards and ensure and adequate levels of service for travelers.
RegionMaineDOT maintenance region. MaineDOT's field operations and facilities are grouped into five large geographic areas of the state (Northern, Southern, Eastern, Western and Mid-Coast.
Right of Way (ROW)That portion of land owned by the State adjacent to and including the transportation facility.
Roof Condensing UnitAir conditioning condensing unit placed on a roof.
RoundaboutA type of circular intersection or junction in which road traffic is slowed and flows almost continuously in one direction around a central island to several exits onto the various intersecting roads.
Rural Transit Assistance Program (RTAP)A program that provides a source of funding to assist in the design and implementation of training and technical assistance projects and other support services tailored to meet the needs of transit operators in nonurbanized areas.
Safety and Spot ImprovementsRoadway treatments that deal with single issues or a series of issues along a roadway.
Small Harbors Improvement Program (SHIP)A program that promotes economic development, public access, improved commercial fishing opportunities and works to preserve, and create, infrastructure at facilities in tidewater and coastal municipalities.
Surface Transportation Program (STP)A program that provides flexible funding that may be used by States and localities for projects on any Federal-aid highway, including the NHS, bridge projects on any public road, transit capital projects, and intracity and intercity bus terminals and facilities.
TaxiwayA defined path established for the taxiing of aircraft from one part of an airport to another.
Traffic CalmingChanges in street alignment, installation of barriers, and other physical measures to reduce traffic speed and/or cut-through volumes, in the interest of street safety, livability, and other public purpose.
Transfer BridgeBridging structure that facilitates car movement from dock to the ferry.
Urbanized Area (UA)A continuous urban area as designated by the U.S. Bureau of the Census having a population of 50,000 or more.
Vessel Electronic DevicesElectronic devices classed for use in the marine environment, designed for navigation, and other marine functions.
Wearing SurfaceThe surface portion of a roadway or bridge deck which is in the direct contact with the means of transport.
Wetland MitigationActions that avoid, minimize, or compensate for potential adverse impacts to wetlands.
Wing WallsThe retaining wall extension of an abutment extended to the side slope material of an approach, causeway or embankment.
Work Identification Number (WIN)The primary means of identifying and tracking projects within programs and information systems.