Maine Interstate Logo Sign Program

The MaineDOT Interstate Logo Program allows eligible gas, food,  lodging, camping and attraction services to rent sign space on the Maine Interstate system to advertise their business. This program is managed by the Maine Department of Transportation. For additional eligibility and application information, please contact MaineDOT at (207) 624-3332.

Interstate Logo Sign Specifications

Business Logo Sign Details

  • Main line and Ramp Logo Signs: The Main line and Ramp logo signs shall be fabricated from a single sheet of .080 thickness, 5052-H38 aluminum. The aluminum shall be cleaned before applying the reflective sheeting in accordance with MaineDOT Standard Specifications.
  • Reflective Sheeting: The sign background must consist of High Intensity Prismatic Sheeting. Logos can be digitally printed onto the High Intensity Prismatic Sheeting or onto Clear /Transparent films that will be applied to the High Intensity Prismatic Sheeting in accordance with the manufacturers specifications. All reflective materials must meet National Highway Traffic Safety Administration standards
  • Logo Art Designs: All logo art designs must be approved by MaineDOT. The minimum letter size for Main line business logo signs is 6 inches and for Ramp business logo signs 4 inches. Any legend on a symbol or trademark must be in proportion to the size of the symbol or trademark.
  • Sign Dimensions are as follows:

    Main Line Sign

    This is a mainline sign, With dimensions of 24 inches high, 36 inches wide, with a half inch border, half inche inset, and one and a half inch radius

    Ramp Sign

    This is a ramp sign, with dimensions of 18 inches high, 24 inches wide, witha three-eighths inch border, three-eighths inch inset and a one and a half inch radius

Application and Application Information

Eligibility Criteria for a sign

MaineDOT Interstate Logo Program Application Information

MaineDOT Interstate Logo Program Application
NOTE: The application for Interstate Logo signs is now available in a writeable format. The Certification is not writeable at this time. Print the document so it can be signed and dated. Mail the application along with payment to address on application.

Rules for the installation of gas, food, lodging, camping, and attractions logo signs on the rural portions of the interstate highway system.