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Project Updates

Select an update below to view details.

5/28/2019: Hallowell Water Street Reconstruction Project Update
  • May 28 to May 31: Work will continue on all the side streets: Second, Chestnut and Middle.

  • May 28 to May 31: Paving on Water Street will be completed if the weather cooperates.

All scheduling is weather dependent and subject to change. In the event this happens, updates will be made and sent out as soon as possible.

5/20/2019: Hallowell Water Street Reconstruction Project Update
  • May 20: A crew will be working on the sidewalk extension by Lucky Garden.

  • May 20 to May 22: The contractor will be working on Chestnut Street and Middle Street, grading the drainage trenches for pavement.

  • May 21 to May 23: Paving work will begin on Water Street.

  • May 24: This will be a clean-up day. Crews will be shutting down by 12:00 noon.

All scheduling is weather dependent and subject to change. In the event this happens, updates will be made and sent out as soon as possible.

5/10/2019: Hallowell Water Street Reconstruction Project Update
  • May 13: Workers will finish the second half of the granite crosswalk on Winthrop Street.

  • May 13 to May 14: Crews will finish raising the drain man hole tops on Water Street.

  • May 13 to May 15: A crew will be working on Middle Street, completing the drainage and water main installation.

  • May 14 to May 16: Work will begin on the construction of a sidewalk at Lucky Garden.

All scheduling is weather dependent and subject to change. In the event this happens, updates will be made and sent out as soon as possible.

5/3/2019: Hallowell Water Street Reconstruction Project Update
  • May 6 to May 10: The drainage and water crews will continue work up on Middle Street and Chestnut Street.

  • May 6 to May 10: A crew will begin raising the drain manhole covers on the right side of Water Street. There will be over-all project cleanup, and loaming in various areas. The weather looks to be rainy next week.

All scheduling is weather dependent and subject to change. In the event this happens, updates will be made and sent out as soon as possible.

4/26/2019: Hallowell Water Street Reconstruction Project Update

April 29 to May 1: The granite crosswalk at Winthrop Street will be installed.

April 29 to May 1: A paving crew will start work on the Temple Street, Union Street, and Second Street sidewalks.

April 29 to May 3: A drainage crew will be working on Middle Street between Chestnut Street and Academy Street, installing drainage and a new water line.

May 1 to May 3: The sidewalk along Winthrop Street near WhipperSnappers Quilt Studio will be worked on.

All scheduling is weather dependent and subject to change. In the event this happens, updates will be made and sent out as soon as possible.

4/19/2019: Hallowell Water Street Reconstruction Project Update
  • April 22 to April 24: The contractor will be working on the sidewalks on the side streets, getting them ready for pavement.

  • April 22 to April 25: A crew will start to install the granite slabs in the middle of the granite crosswalks on Water Street, beginning with the crosswalk by Academy Street.

  • April 22 to April 26: Crews will continue to install drainage on Chestnut Street. They will then turn the corner and start north on Middle Street.

All scheduling is weather dependent and subject to change. In the event this happens, updates will be made and sent out as soon as possible.

4/12/2019: Hallowell Water Street Reconstruction Project Update
  • April 15 to April 19: Install temporary water service on Chestnut Street and Middle Street.

  • April 15 to April 19: Continue drainage work on Chestnut Street.

This work will be performed with work zones set up and with flaggers controlling the local traffic.

3/20/2019: Hallowell Water Street Reconstruction Project Update

This is the tentative startup schedule for Hallowell for the 2019 season.

  • April 8 to April 12: The prime contractor plans to mobilize.
  • April 9 to April 12: Installation of temporary water service on Chestnut Street and Middle Street.
  • April 11 to April 12: Removal of the railroad tracks on Chestnut Street.
  • April 11 to April 12: Begin drainage work on Chestnut Street.
  • This work will be performed with work zones and with flaggers controlling the local traffic.

Some of the work may be delayed, depending on the spring weather.

11/20/2018: Hallowell Water Street Reconstruction Project Update

Hallowell Suspending Work for the Year

  • The winter shutdown date is November 30th.
  • The expected startup date will be in April 2019.
  • The completion date for the project is expected to be June 6, 2019.
  • In 2019, the contractor will install drainage on Chestnut Street and Middle Street and will surface pave the whole project.
  • Craig Shorey is the contact person. 1 207 827-4435

MaineDOT regrets this inconvenience and thanks you for your patience.

11/7/2018: Hallowell Water Street Reconstruction Project Update

The contractor will be paving in the ramps for the granite crosswalks as soon as possible, depending on whether there is wet weather, and will continue general cleanup for winter on Water Street.

Crews will continue water installation for the Hallowell Water District and drainage up Chestnut Street as long as weather permits.

All side streets will be paved in for winter as well.

10/16/2018: Hallowell Water Street Reconstruction Project Update

Monday, October 15th to Friday, October 19th: The contractor will be working on the north end of the project, from Front Street to the end, building sidewalks on the left and right sides and finishing the rock retaining wall.

Friday, October 12th to Friday, October 19th: A crew will be up on Second Street by Temple Street and Union Street, working on the drainage and the water line.

10/5/2018: Hallowell Water Street Reconstruction Project Update

Monday, October 8th: The contractor will begin the installation of the granite curb retaining wall off the Kennebec River Rail Trail above Granite Park. Please follow signs to get around the work zone from the rail trail. In addition, the right side of the granite crosswalk by the Harlow Gallery will be installed.

Monday, October 8th and Tuesday, October 9th: The contractor will be setting granite curb from Winthrop Street to the northern end of the project on the left and right sides. In the same area, sidewalks will be built and prepared for pavement and brick.

Wednesday, October 10th: Paving the last course on Water Street is scheduled to begin, depending on the weather. While this work is taking place, traffic will be temporarily detoured at times by flaggers. There will be one-way traffic from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Thursday, October 11th and Friday, October 12th: Drainage work at the intersection of Union Street and Second Street will continue.

9/28/2018: Hallowell Water Street Reconstruction Project Update

All work will be concentrated on the south part of Winthrop Street, on the west side.

Crews will be in various places, patching the missing brick areas, paving in some areas, and cleaning up the street.

Paving will take place on the side streets.

The electrical contractor will turn the lights on.

Friday, October 5 will be a big day. Crews will remove the Jersey barriers and put down some temporary striping. By the end of the day, the detour will be closed and Water Street will be opened to two-way traffic.

Crews will still have work to complete on Water Street. This will include the north end sidewalks and the granite curb wall, among other things.

9/17/2018: Hallowell Water Street Reconstruction Project Update

Monday, September 17th: Central Street will be excavated, and a new gravel base will be added.

Monday, September 17th to Wednesday, September 19th: Crews will build and fine grade sidewalks from Academy Street to Temple Street.

Monday, September 17th to Wednesday, September 19th: Granite curb will be installed from Academy Street south.

Tuesday, September 18th and Wednesday, September 19th: Crews will fine grade the roadway and shoulders on the left and right sides, from the Winthrop Street intersection to the end of the project.

Thursday, September 20th and Friday, September 21st: Crews will pave the base and binder course from Winthrop Street to the end of the project.

9/10/2018: Hallowell Water Street Reconstruction Project Update

Monday, September 10th: Crews are excavating the roadway and shoulder, and adding gravel base on the west side of the Winthrop Street intersection.

Monday, September 10th: Central Street will be excavated, and new gravel base added.

Monday, September 10th to Thursday, September 13th: Installation of granite curb from Union Street south.

Tuesday, September 11th to Thursday, September 13th: Crews will excavate the roadway and shoulder, and add gravel base on the east side, from the end of project south to the Harlow Gallery.

Tuesday, September 11th to Thursday, September 13th: Crews will fine grade sidewalks from Central Street to Academy Street.

Thursday, September 13th: Sidewalk from Central Street to Union Street will be paved.

Friday, September 14th: Brick sidewalk will be placed from Central Street to Union Street.


8/24/2018: Hallowell Water Street Reconstruction Project Update

Monday, August 27th and Tuesday, August 28th: Crews will be fine grading the west side sidewalk from Whipper Snappers on the corner of Winthrop Street to Central Street.

Wednesday, August 29th: Sidewalks will be paved in the vicinity of the west side sidewalk from Whipper Snappers on the corner of Winthrop Street to Central Street.

Monday, August 27th: Crews will be excavating Water Street at the bottom of Temple Street and then move to the top of Temple Street.

Before Friday, August 31st: Water Street and Temple Street will be paved.

Monday, August 27th to Thursday, August 30th: Crews will excavate the sidewalks and add gravel.

8/17/2018: Hallowell Water Street Reconstruction Project Update

August 20-21 the remaining light bases and conduit on the west side of Water Street from Hallowell Print Shop to just north of Vallee Real Estate will be installed.

August 20-24 - crews will work on sidewalk excavation and new gravel will be placed from Winthrop Street to Temple Street.

On August 23 - crews will be on site installing granite curb on the west side.

August 20-24 - Crews will be installing the remaining drainage on Central Street, Academy Street and Union Street.

If a crosswalk or sidewalk is not accessible, please look for directional signs or ask, and you will be escorted through the area. Thank you for your patience.

All scheduling is weather dependent and subject to change. In the event this happens, updates will be made and sent out as soon as possible.

8/9/2018: Hallowell Water Street Reconstruction Project Update

Sargent Corporation is the prime contractor is on the project.

Latest schedule:
Excavate the west side roadway out and place new gravel base from Central Street to Temple Street: August 8th to 13th. Start fine grading from Winthrop Street south: August 10th to 14th. Tentative paving dates for base and intermediate course on the west side are from August 14th to August 17th. Install the remaining drainage on the corner of Temple Street and Academy Street: August 8th to 13th. Moulison will finish installing the 24" light bases and conduit from Union Street to Temple Street: August 9th to 13th.

8/3/2018: Hallowell Water Street Reconstruction Project Update

Sargent Corporation will start the excavation of the west side of the road by Winthrop Street and continue south from August 6 to 10. A crew will continue with drainage on Water Street, Union Street and Academy Street from August 6 to 10. Moulison, the electrical subcontractor, has been installing the conduit and the 24-inch concrete light bases from Central Street to Winthrop Street. They will continue from Central Street to Union Street, August 6-10

Those riding bicycles should follow the project detour signs and not ride on the sidewalks. This is presenting safety issues for pedestrians. Those walking should follow the arrows on the pedestrian signs. Thank you!

7/27/2018: Hallowell Water Street Reconstruction Project Update
  • Sargent Corporation has started on the west side of Water Street. They will have two crews, possibly three, working on storm drain installation.

  • Crew # 1 will start at Central Street and work north to Winthrop Street from July 30th to August 4th.

  • Crew # 2 will begin by Academy Street and work North to Central Street from July 30th to August 4th.

  • Crew # 3 will be in that same area connecting roof and cellar drains as needed and removing the old curb.

  • Moulison, the electrical subcontractor, will be installing the conduit and 24" light bases from Front Street north.

  • Possibly a fourth crew will be working on the granite retaining wall by Granite City Park.

Sargent Corporation will start some new summer hours to stay on task beginning June 4th for a few weeks from 5:00 am to 8:30 pm.

Shops are open, parking is available off Winthrop Street behind the PUC building and in the lower lot by the water.

Come discover what historic Hallowell is all about.

All scheduling is weather dependent and subject to change. In the event this happens, updates will be made and sent out as soon as possible.

7/13/2018: Hallowell Water Street Reconstruction Project Update

Sargent Corporation will be working on Side streets:

  • Temple Street Drainage July 16th to July 20th

  • Second Street Drainage July 17th to July 20th

  • Union Street Drainage July 19th to July 20th

7/9/2018: Hallowell Water Street Reconstruction Project Update
  • Sargent will be working on Temple Street installing drainage for the Department July 5th and July 6th.

  • They will continue installing drainage on Temple Street working to Second Street and Chestnut Street week ending July 14th.

6/18/2018: Hallowell Water Street Reconstruction Project Update
  • Sidewalk subgrade and gravel from the Quarry Tap Room to Front Street: June 18th to June 20th

  • Sidewalk subgrade and gravel from Cannabis Healing Center to Lucky Garden: June 19th to June 22nd

  • Pave sidewalk from Wharf Street to Front Street: June 18th to June 19th

  • Pave sidewalk from Union Street to Lucky Garden: June 19th to June 22nd

  • Install detectable warning fields: June 20th to June 22nd

  • Install brick sidewalk from Wharf Street to Front Street: June 19th to June 22nd

  • Pave next layer of pavement on Water Street: June 21st

Sargent Corp will be working from 5:00 am to 8:30 pm.

Shops are open, and parking is available off Winthrop Street behind the PUC building and in the lower lot by the water.

Come discover what historic Hallowell is all about.

All scheduling is weather dependent and subject to change. In the event this happens, updates will be made and sent out as soon as possible.

6/11/2018: Hallowell Water Street Reconstruction Project Update
  • Sidewalk demolition and gravel from Scrummy Afters to the Harlow Gallery, June 11th to June 15th.

  • Roadway fine grade of gravel from just past Temple street to the Harlow Gallery, June 11th to June 15th.

  • Roadway box cut from Wharf Street to Winthrop Street, June 11th to June 15th.

  • Fine grade and pave the sidewalk from Timeless Treasures to The Cannabis Healing Center, June 11th to June 15th.

  • Pave the sidewalls from Timeless Treasures to The Cannabis Healing Center, June 11th to June 15th.

  • Pave the main line and the shoulders from Temple Street to Winthrop Street, June 12th to June 15th.

Sargent Corporation, to stay on task, began new summer hours on June 4th. Working hours will run from 5:00 am to 8:30 pm for a few weeks.Sargent plans on doing two nights of sidewalk grading on Tuesday the 12th and Wednesday the 13th.

Shops are open, parking is available off Winthrop Street behind the PUC building and in the lower lot by the water.

Come discover what historic Hallowell is all about.

All scheduling is weather dependent and subject to change. In the event this happens, updates will be made and sent out as soon as possible.

6/1/2018: Hallowell Water Street Reconstruction Project Update
  • Sidewalk demolition and gravel from Dom?s Barber Shop to Lucky Garden, June 4th to June 8th.

  • Roadway excavation from Lucky Garden to just past Temple Street, June 4th to June 5th.

  • Roadway box cut from Wharf Street to Winthrop Street, June 6th to June 8th.

  • Install new granite curb at Timeless Treasures and Scrummy Afters, on either side of Wharf Street, June 4th to June 8th.

To stay on task, Sargent Corporation will start new summer hours, 5:00 am to 8:30 pm, beginning on June 4th, for a few weeks.

Shops are open, parking is available off Winthrop Street behind the PUC building and in the lower lot by the water.

"Come discover what historic Hallowell is all about."

All scheduling is weather dependent and subject to change. In the event this happens, updates will be made and sent out as soon as possible.

5/24/2018: Hallowell Water Street Reconstruction Project Update
  • Water service lines from Wharf Street north on the right and left of Water Street will be installed, May 29th to May 31st.

  • Sidewalk demolition and new granite curb and gravel, from Dom?s Barber Shop to Joyce?s. Wharf Street to the Quarry Tap Room, May 29th to June 1st.

  • Roadway box cut from Wharf Street to Temple Street, May 29th to June 1st.

  • Shops are open, parking is available off Winthrop Street behind the PUC building and in the lower lot by the water.

"Come discover What Historic Hallowell is all about."

All scheduling is weather dependent and subject to change. In the event this happens, updates will be made and sent out as soon as possible.

5/18/2018: Hallowell Water Street Reconstruction Project Update
  • Sargent will be installing catch basins at the corner of Front Street by the Harlow Gallery. May 24th and 25th.

  • There will be a continuation of the 12? water line installation at the Temple Street intersection to connect to the existing line. May 21st to May 22nd.

  • Another crew will install the 10? water gate valve just inside of Winthrop Street on the left. May 21st to May 23rd.

  • Water service lines from Wharf Street to Academy Street and Wharf Street north on the right and left of Water Street will be installed. May 21st to May 25th.

  • There will be sidewalk demolition, and new granite curb and gravel from Wharf Street to the Shack. May 21st to May 25th.

  • Shops are open, Parking is available off Winthrop Street behind the PUC building and in the lower lot by the river.

"Come discover what Historic Hallowell is all about."

All scheduling is weather dependent and subject to change. In the event this happens, updates will be made and sent out as soon as possible.

5/11/2018: Hallowell Water Street Reconstruction Project Update
  • Sargent will be installing catch basins at the corners of Front Street by the Harlow Gallery. May 14th and 15th.

  • There will be a continuation of the 12? water line installation from Lucky Garden to Temple Street. May 14th to May 16th.

  • Another crew will continue to install the 12? water line from the Harlow Gallery north to the end of the project by the rail trail parking. May 16th to May 18th.

  • Water service lines from Wharf Street to Academy Street on the right and left of Water Street will be installed. May 14th to May 18th.

Shops are open, and parking is available off Winthrop Street behind the PUC building and in the lower lot by the water.

All scheduling is weather dependent and subject to change. In the event this happens, updates will be made and sent out as soon as possible.

5/4/2018: Hallowell Water Street Reconstruction Project Update
  • Sargent will be installing a concrete pipe between two basins in front of Temple Street, from May 7 to May 8.

  • There will be work on the new water main from Joyce?s restaurant to Temple Street, from May 7 to May 11.

  • A second crew will start work on the new water main from Wharf Street to Winthrop Street on May 9 and May 10.

  • Temporary water will be hooked up on Winthrop Street from May 7 to May 11.

Shops are open and parking is available.

All scheduling is weather dependent and subject to change. In the event that this happens, updates will be made and sent out as soon as possible.

4/30/2018: Hallowell Water Street Reconstruction Project Update
  • On Monday 5/5 will start to install new the water main from Wharf Street south towards Lucky Garden.

  • Will work on drainage from the boat ramp north, connecting at Lucky Garden and will Install curb line catch basins behind the water main crew.

  • Will connect temporary water service to apartments and businesses from Wharf Street heading north along Front Street.

4/12/2018: Hallowell Water Street Reconstruction Project Update
  • Sargent is working on the temporary water lines on Front Street.

  • Installing drainage from Wharf Street to the Cannabis Healing Center. Setting a catch basin at the intersection of Water and Union streets.

  • Installing drainage from Wharf Street to Kennebec Cigar. Setting a large catch basin by the boat launch and running the drainage from the basin towards Lucky Garden.

4/12/2018: Hallowell Water Street Reconstruction Project Update
  • Placed a catch basin in the street at Wharf and Water streets on the east side and are connecting the existing drainage to it.

  • Installing drainage and a catch basin at the intersection of Water and Winthrop streets on the east side.

4/5/2018: Hallowell Water Street Reconstruction Project Update
  • Contractor will have two drainage crews working at Wharf and Water Street Intersection. One crew will install drainage north of Wharf Street, the other south of Wharf Street.

  • Another large catch basin will be installed by the boat ramp exit.

  • A third crew will be on Front Street working on the temporary water line.

4/5/2018: Hallowell Water Street Reconstruction Project Update
  • Detour is up and operating.

  • Chain link fence is installed along the sidewalk.

  • Designated cross walks are signed.

  • All businesses along the east side are accessible from the sidewalk.

  • Thursday 4/5 and Friday 4/6 crew has started to dig a large hole in the road at Water and Wharf Streets to install a catch basin.

  • They have been grinding the pavement from Wharf Street to Lucky Gardens Restaurant.

3/27/2018: Hallowell Water Street Reconstruction Project Update

The reconstruction of Water Street in Hallowell begins Monday, April 2nd. At that time, a new traffic pattern will go into effect. Water Street will be one-way for northbound traffic (going towards the Capitol). Southbound traffic is being rerouted one block up onto Second Street. Additional parking has been created on the railroad tracks between Winthrop and Central Streets.

All businesses will be open and accessible throughout the project.

Work will take place from sunrise to sunset, Monday ? Thursday, and from sunrise until 3 pm on Fridays. Full road reconstruction means that Water Street will be excavated so that aging underground utilities, as well as the prominent hump down the center line, will be addressed.

This $5.89 million project will continue through November with breaks for holidays, including Old Hallowell Day in July. This aggressive schedule ensures the majority of the work will be done in 2018 with the contractor returning in the spring of 2019 to do final paving and other finish work. Sargent Corporation is the contractor for the project.

1/11/2018: Hallowell Water Street Reconstruction Project Update

MaineDOT has published the below Fact Sheet as well as "Digging Maine" - a publication of handy tips for business owners.


Project Facts

Construction Workdays

  • Monday thru Friday. No work on Saturdays or Sundays

Times of Construction

  • Mondays thru Thursdays: sunrise to sunset

  • Fridays: sunrise to 3 pm

  • Five 24 hours-a-day operations allowed, otherwise no night work

  • No work on the following state or city holidays:

    • Memorial Day- Monday, May 28th

    • Independence Day- Wednesday, July 4th, 2018

    • Old Hallowell Days- Friday, July 20th, 2018

    • Labor Day- Monday, September 3rd, 2018

    • Columbus Day- Monday, October 8th, 2018

    • Veteran?s Day- Monday, November 12th, 2018

Project Schedule

  • Advertise the project to contractors? January 31

  • Open Bids? February 21

  • Contract Awarded? March 16 (or as soon as all appropriate documents have been finalized)

  • Contractor to hold Open House for the public one week prior to construction launch

  • Start of Construction? No later than April 2

  • Finish east side of downtown? June 29

  • Remove barriers and open Water Street to full width until after Old Hallowell Days (detour to remain in affect otherwise)

  • Water Street downtown complete? October 5, 2018

  • Construction complete (except surface pavement) November 16, 2018

  • Surface Pavement? June 3 to June 6 of 2019 (Proposed to be night time operations)

  • Project completed? June 6, 2019

Press Releases

    7/20/2018: Work Shifts to West Side of Water Street in Hallowell


    News Release for July 20, 2018

    For more Information:
    Paul Merrill, Director of Communications - 207-215-9297

    Hallowell - As the reconstruction of Water Street in Hallowell continues, work will shift to the west side of Water Street beginning on Monday, July 23rd.

    Crews will set up jersey barriers from Central Street to Winthrop Street on the west side with chain link fence, fabric and lights. In addition, the installation of a water main will take place on Temple Street.

    Varying traffic patterns will be controlled by flaggers when needed.

    This $5.89 million project will continue through November with breaks for holidays, including Old Hallowell Day on July 21st. This aggressive schedule ensures the majority of the work will be done in 2018 with the contractor returning in the spring of 2019 to do final paving and other finish work.

    Sargent Corporation of Old Town is the contractor for the project.


    3/27/2018: Construction of Water Street in Hallowell to Begin


    News Release for March 27, 2018

    For more Information:
    Paul Merrill, Director of Communications - 207-215-9297

    The reconstruction of Water Street in Hallowell begins Monday, April2nd. At that time, a new traffic pattern will go into effect. Water Street will be one-way for northbound traffic (going toward the Capitol). Southbound traffic is being rerouted one block up onto Second Street. Additional parking has been created on the railroad tracks between Winthrop and Central Streets.

    All businesses will be open and accessible throughout the project. Work will take place from sunrise to sunset, Monday through Thursday and from sunrise until 3 pm on Fridays.

    Full road reconstruction means Water Street will be excavated so that aging underground utilities, as well as the prominent hump down the center line, will be addressed.

    This $5.89 million project will continue through November with breaks for holidays, including Old Hallowell Day in July. This aggressive schedule ensures that the majority of work will be done in 2018 with the contractor returning in the spring of 2019 to do final paving and other finish work.

    Sargent Corporation is the contractor for the project.


    11/17/2017: Work to Begin in Hallowell


    News Release for November 17, 2017

    For more Information:
    Paul Merrill, Director of Communications - 207-215-9297

    Hallowell ? Crews will be installing catch basins and outlet pipes in Hallowell beginning on Monday, November 20th. This work is being done in anticipation of the full road reconstruction project planned for Water Street in the spring of 2018. It is being done now to comply with the sturgeon habitat work permit window. This project will have one outlet pipe flowing into the Kennebec River on Wharf Street with the other installed at the boat launch.

    Wharf Street will be fully closed to all motor vehicle traffic for 14 days beginning on Monday, November 27th. Pedestrians will continue to have access, though there will be occasional closings of sidewalks and crosswalks. Signage will direct pedestrians to alternate routes.

    This project is expected to be completed by December 18th.


Public Meetings

Select an meeting below to view details.

Upcoming Meetings

There are currently no public meetings scheduled.

Past Meetings

3/22/2018 : Hallowell, Downtown Improvement Project Open House

Time: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Location: City of Hallowell Auditorium
FMI-Phone: 207-624-3381
FMI-Email: Ernest.martin@maine.gov
Download the Notice: WORD | PDF

Please join MaineDOT and Sargent Corporation for an open house. We will be available to answer any questions related to the Department?s Highway Improvement Project that is about to begin.

All Residents, abutting property owners, business owners and Town Officials are invited to attend.

Accommodations will be made for persons with disabilities. Auxiliary aids will be provided upon advance request.

Any inquiries regarding this project may be directed to the attention of Ernie Martin, Senior Project Manager, Maine Department of Transportation, Highway Program, 24 Child Street, 16 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333-0016. Telephone: (207) 624-3381. Email: ernest.martin@maine.gov.

Work Identification Number 018622.00

Federal Aid Project Number STP-1862(200)

TTY Telephone Relay 711

1/10/2018 : Hallowell, Water Street Construction Project Open House

Time: 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Location: City of Hallowell Auditorium
FMI-Phone: 207-624-3381
FMI-Email: Ernest.martin@maine.gov
Download the Notice: WORD | pdf

Please join MaineDOT at an open house to discuss the Water Street reconstruction. The project begins at 0.1 miles north of Winthrop Street, and extends 0.42 miles south to the boat launch.

Accommodations will be made for persons with disabilities. Auxiliary aids will be provided upon advance request.

Any inquiries regarding this project may be directed to the attention of Ernie Martin, Senior Project Manager, Maine Department of Transportation, Highway Program, 24 Child Street, 16 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333-0016. Telephone: (207) 624-3381. Email: ernest.martin@maine.gov.

Work Identification Number 018622.00

Federal Aid Project Number STP-1862(200)E

TTY Telephone Relay 711

10/27/2016 : Hallowell, Highway Reconstruction of Water Street

Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Location: Hall-Dale Elementary School Cafeteria
FMI-Phone: 207-624-3381
FMI-Email: Ernest.martin@maine.gov
Download the Notice: WORD | PDF

Please join MaineDOT at a public meeting to discuss the proposed highway reconstruction, beginning at 0.1 miles northerly of Winthrop Street, and extending 0.42 miles southerly to the boat launch.

Accommodations will be made for persons with disabilities. Auxiliary aids will be provided upon advance request.

Any inquiries regarding this project may be directed to the attention of Ernie Martin, Senior Project Manager, Maine Department of Transportation, Highway Program, 24 Child Street, 16 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333-0016. Telephone: (207) 624-3381. Email: ernest.martin@maine.gov.

Work Identification Number 018622.00

Federal Aid Project Number STP-1862(200)E

TTY Telephone Relay 711