Project Updates

September 2024

NEI and their subcontractors are making steady progress on the project, with ongoing installation of foundations for the new traffic light signal masts and arms. Detour signs have been placed to support the necessary closures of ramps and highways, and barriers—both braced and unbraced—are being set up in preparation for shifting southbound traffic onto the temporary diversion. NEI has received approval for this traffic shift, which is scheduled for Thursday morning, September 19, 2024. This marks a key milestone, enabling the contractor to advance to the next phase of work.

July / August 2024

Throughout the month of July, crews continued to work on the temporary detour for I-95 over Broadway. Crews paved for the widening of the I-95 southbound off-ramp. Concrete was placed for the temporary approach slabs. Crews also continued earthwork operations for subgrade on the south approach the of the temporary detour.

June 2024

Site activities throughout the month of June have revolved around setting up the temporary Acrow bridge, which involved the setting up of temporary barriers and safety walls. The temporary bridge was extended out across Broadway. The bridge was then decked over. Remaining work consisted of ramp work and setting detour signage.

May 2024

Throughout May New England Infrastructure and their subcontractors continued work on the I-95 temporary detour. The temporary diversion sheet pile wall is installed and backfilled. The contractors are working on installing the temporary bridge foundations and constructing the temporary bridge. As the bridge is built, it will be pushed out over Broadway in sections and then additional sections will be added, and then pushed again, until all the way across. Subcontractors continue to work on highway lighting. All the highway lighting foundations have been placed on the west side of the southbound exit ramp. The subcontractors have also placed all the conduit between the new highway light post foundations.

April 2024

Throughout April crews worked on the tiebacks on the northern retaining wall for the temporary bridge and detour. Backfill operations continued on the northern side of the retaining wall. Temporary foundation piles were installed on the south side of the bridge.

March 2024

Throughout March, crews have nearly finished the temporary retaining wall and the installation of the temporary bridge foundation on the south side of the bridge. The sheet piles and tie-backs were installed along with placing the backfill. Crews were onsite to drive the h-piles for the foundation of the temporary bridge. Work on the north side of the bridge has seen the contractor nearly completing the installation of the sheet piles for the temporary wall. They are currently working on installing the backfill and tie-backs. Almost all of the utility work has been completed, except for the removal of the old poles.

January 2024

H.B. Fleming completed driving sheet-piles for the temporary bridge's south end. Utilities were onsite to relocate necessary items for the temporary bridge and approaches. Northeast Traffic removed the overhead sign structure and relocated signs for northbound traffic. The temporary retaining wall on the south side of the bridge was installed, and backfilling started. Installation of the temporary retaining wall on the north side also commenced.

October 2023

New England Infrastructure’s subcontractor continues to excavate and place gravel along the southbound exit ramp in preparation for shifting traffic for the temporary bridge. The contractor also placed concrete barriers to provide a safety barrier for work along the off ramp at this time. The utility work necessary for the installation of the temporary bridge has started. Frazier Signal Tech started on the installation of the electrical duct bank. They crossed both right turn lanes on the southbound exit. The remainder of the duct bank will be completed with the installation of the electrical vault. A new utility pole for the highway lighting has been placed and some of the temporary signals have been installed. By the end of this month, the subcontractor will have removed the raised granite island at the end of the Southbound exit ramp. The contractor continued working on grubbing the area between the southbound roadway and the exit ramp in preparation for the temporary approach and bridge. They are also installing an access road for the equipment to set the temporary retaining wall. Survey has been onsite several times to continue with the layout process. Additionally, the contractor has continued to work on the electrical duct bank and vault. The vault was set this month and is ready for the power company to utilize that portion of the work.

September 2023

In mid-September work began on a multi-year project replacing the bridge that carries Broadway over I-95 in Bangor. A traffic control plan has been implemented. Advance warning signage has been posted, barriers are set, and other signage installed. Survey crews have been onsite and provided layout information for the south-bound exit ramp. Excavation has begun, with activities later in the month focused on the installation of an electrical duct bank and vault.