Mountain Div. Rail Use Advisory Council
Current Members
- Paul Schumacher, Chair
Executive Director, Southern Maine Planning and Development
Commission - Terry Egan, Brownfield Comprehensive Planning Committee
- David Kinsman, President
Mountain Division Alliance - Katie Haley, Town Manager
Town of Fryeburg - Daniel A. Hester
Chairperson, Hiram Conservation Committee
Member, Saco River Corridor Commission
Member, Saco River Corridor Commission - Jack Sutton, Maine Rail Group
- Russ Barber, Maine Rail Group
- Dwight Warren, Selectman
Town of Baldwin - Zach Mosher, Planning Director
Town of Standish - Paul Hunt, Environmental Services Manager
Portland Water District - Carolann Ouellette, Director, Maine Office of Outdoor Recreation
Maine Department of Economic and Community Development - Christopher Chop, Transportation Director, Greater Portland Council of Governments (GPCOG)
- Douglas S. Beck, Outdoor Recreation Supervisor, DACF, Bureau of Parks & Lands
MaineDOT Staff
- Nate Moulton, Director, Office of Freight and Passenger Services
- Nathan Howard, Director, Rail Program
- Meghan Russo, Manager of Legislative and Constituent Services