Consultant Prequalification

Please note that prequalification is not required in order to respond to RFQs or RFPs posted on this site; but prequalification is necessary before a contract for work can be executed.

What's New

Open Prequal Application Removed to Make Way for 2024 Department-Wide RFQ!

Due to the upcoming 2024 Department-Wide Request for Qualifications, the Consultant Open Prequalification Application has been removed from this website until approximately February 2025.

For more information, please view the Consultant Timeline (PDF).

  • About
  • Perpetual Prequal
  • Prequalified

What Does it Mean to be Prequalified?

MaineDOT uses a Qualifications Based Selection (QBS) process when awarding non-construction contracts. Our list of prequalified firms forms the foundation of MaineDOT's consultant selection process when awarding contracts with State and/or Federal funding valued at $250,000 or less.

Being pre-qualified for service item(s) under a specific service area does not mean a consultant is pre-qualified to perform all work generated by MaineDOT within that service area; the project scope and the complexity of same should be taken into consideration when considering a consultant from our list of pre-qualified consultants.

Common Questions:

Select a question to view answer.

Does the Department still advertise Request for Proposals (RFP) for contracts valued at $250,000 or less?

Yes, MaineDOT does occasionally utilize the RFP process for these contracts.

How does MaineDOT award contracts for projects valued at greater than $250,000?

The Department utilizes the Brooks Act (a QBS process) via an RFP or RFQ. Consultants considered for these contracts are those who have been awarded General Consultant Agreements (GCAs) through MaineDOT's Department Wide Request for Qualifications Process. When selecting consultants for contracts greater than $1,000,000 MaineDOT utilizes an RFP process.

Perpetual Prequalification Application

Consultant Service Expectations

  • The Firm has practices in place to control and monitor client costs & control quality.
  • The Firm can demonstrate positive schedule control and document its ability to handle projected workload.
  • The Firm will maintain effective communication and coordinate project work with MaineDOT.


Download the Consultant Prequalification Application below.

Please Note: MaineDOT strongly recommends that you download and save documents to your computer BEFORE filling them out. Some folks have filled out the documents in their browser then saved them, resulting in losing all entered data.

Consultant Prequalification Application (pdf)

Available Programs

Select the OUC below to view available programs and supplemental questions. Click on a program title to view program definitions.

OUC 54000 - Property Office

Download Supplemental Questions

301.20 Property Surveys

Boundary surveys, existing highway right of way boundary plans, proposed right of way design a.k.a. ROW mapping services for property rights acquisition.

A. Standard boundary surveys (Maine PLS required) B. Existing ROW and Easements Mapping Plan Preparation, abutting Property lines, current owner information (Maine PLS required) C. Proposed ROW, Easements & Rights Mapping for acquisition plans (Final ROW Mapping)

401.00 Title Research/Abstracting

Perform legal work, particularly involving real property title searches essential to land acquisitions; prepare research on various real estate issues for the Department and other state agencies.

402.00 Property Valuation and Appraisal Services

Perform appraisals for condemnation purposes and for excess property sales, compile comparable sales and project data packages, perform market studies and analyses; all in compliance with State & Federal Regulations and Departmental Policies. Requires licensure as a Certified General Real Property Appraiser.

403.00 Property Negotiations-Ownership Information Services

Provide offer of just compensation to impacted property owner, explain impact of acquisition & construction, and act as liaison between property owners and MaineDOT; all in compliance with State & Federal Regulations and Departmental Policies.

404.00 Property Relocation Services

Develop relocation studies and plans, as well as provide relocation assistance services to both commercial and residential property owners; all in compliance with State & Federal Regulations and Departmental Policies.

405.00 Property Management

Provide all types of property management services and perform real estate brokerage services for a variety of excess properties; all in compliance with State & Federal Regulations and Departmental Policies.