Screening & Progress Monitoring
Screening and progress monitoring are vital to a full-scale MTSS.
Screening measures are assessments given to all students in a school three times a year: fall (September), winter (January) and spring (May). These assessments are given to every student so that educators can quickly discover how well students are mastering the grade-level curriculum. Screening measures are sometimes known as “universal screenings” or “benchmark screenings.” Data from screenings are analyzed alongside other pertinent data (environment, curriculum, and instructional practices) and used to identify if a large group intervention is needed. Typically when less than 80% of students are meeting or exceeding benchmarks a class-wide intervention is necessary before additional diagnostics are conducted to identify individual student small groups and intervention methods.
Grades K-5 Screeners |
Reading |
Aimsweb* | A universal data management and reporting system that uses valid and reliable general outcome measures of reading and math performance for grades K-8, to be used with any curriculum. |
Acadience Reading (formerly DIBELS Next*) | The Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) help you assess the acquisition of early literacy skills by using short (one-minute) fluency measures to regularly monitor development of early literacy and reading skills. |
Easy CBM* | An enhanced district-assessment system that provides school districts, administrators and teachers with a full suite of assessment and reporting options, offering a complete solution at every tier of the RTI process. |
Ed Checkup* | A progress monitoring system that evaluates measures student progress toward goals in reading, writing and math. These generic assessments, which are independent from any particular curriculum, also evaluate the effectiveness of instruction through the graphing of student data. |
Predictive Assessment of Reading | The PAR accurately produces – in 15 minutes or less and in a one-on-one format – standardized scores in several areas that previously would have required the administration of several lengthy assessments. |
STAR Reading | Assessments that include skills-based test items, and in-depth reports for screening, instructional planning, and progress monitoring in reading. |
System to Enhance Educational Performance (STEEP) | Downloadable paper-and-pencil and tablet-based brief assessments that can be used for screening and progress monitoring. |
Math |
AIMSweb* | A universal data management and reporting system that uses valid and reliable general outcome measures of reading and math performance for grades K-8, to be used with any curriculum. |
Easy CBM* | An enhanced district-assessment system that provides school districts, administrators and teachers with a full suite of assessment and reporting options, offering a complete solution at every tier of the RTI process. |
STAR Math | Assessments that include skills-based test items, and in-depth reports for screening, instructional planning, and progress monitoring in math. |
Writing |
AIMSweb* | A universal data management and reporting system that uses valid and reliable general outcome measures of reading and math performance for grades K-8, to be used with any curriculum. |
Behavior |
School-wide Information System (SWIS) | A web-based information system designed to help school personnel use office referral data to design school-wide and individual student interventions. |
Systematic Screening for Behavior Disorders | A tool to help educators screen and identify students who may be at risk of developing behavior disorders. The three-stage process takes teacher judgment and direct observation into consideration. |
Grades K-5 Progress monitoring |
Reading (see above) |
Math |
Monitoring Basic Skills Progress | Computer-based math progress assessments that students can complete on the computer, thus receiving immediate feedback. |
Writing (See Above) |
Behavior |
AIMSweb | A universal data management and reporting system that uses valid and reliable general outcome measures of reading and math performance for grades K-8, to be used with any curriculum. |
Social Skills Intervention Systems (SSIS) | Tools that help teachers to help students develop, improve and maintain important social skills. SSIS facilitates the universal screening of students at risk for academic or social behavior difficulties, helps plan interventions and evaluates progress on targeted skills after intervention. |
Grades 6-12 Screeners |
Reading |
Aimsweb* | A universal data management and reporting system that uses valid and reliable general outcome measures of reading and math performance for grades K-8, to be used with any curriculum. |
Classworks Universal Screener | Classworks instructional improvement system includes universal screeners and benchmark assessments, short probes, progress monitoring, and reporting. |
Easy CBM* | An enhanced district-assessment system that provides school districts, administrators and teachers with a full suite of assessment and reporting options, offering a complete solution at every tier of the RTI process. |
Group Reading Assessment and Diagnostic Evaluation | A diagnostic reading test that determines which developmental skills students have mastered and where they need instruction or intervention. |
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) | Created by educators for educators, MAP assessments provide detailed, actionable data about where each child is on his or her unique learning path. |
STAR Reading | Assessments that include skills-based test items, and in-depth reports for screening, instructional planning, and progress monitoring in reading. |
Math | |
AIMSweb* | A universal data management and reporting system that uses valid and reliable general outcome measures of reading and math performance for grades K-8, to be used with any curriculum. |
Classworks Universal Screener | Classworks instructional improvement system includes universal screeners and benchmark assessments, short probes, progress monitoring, and reporting. |
Easy CBM* | An enhanced district-assessment system that provides school districts, administrators and teachers with a full suite of assessment and reporting options, offering a complete solution at every tier of the RTI process. |
Group Math Assessment and Diagnostic Evaluation | Provides all the elements educators need in order to assess all mathematical competencies, using group-based assessments. |
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) | Created by educators for educators, MAP assessments provide detailed, actionable data about where each child is on his or her unique learning path. |
STAR Math | Assessments that include skills-based test items, and in-depth reports for screening, instructional planning, and progress monitoring in math. |
Writing | |
AIMSweb* | A universal data management and reporting system that uses valid and reliable general outcome measures of reading and math performance for grades K-8, to be used with any curriculum. |
Behavior | |
School-wide Information System (SWIS) | A web-based information system designed to help school personnel use office referral data to design school-wide and individual student interventions. |
Systematic Screening for Behavior Disorders | A tool to help educators screen and identify students who may be at risk of developing behavior disorders. The three-stage process takes teacher judgment and direct observation into consideration. |
Grades 6-8 Progress Monitoring | |
Reading | |
DIBELS Next | The Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) help you assess the acquisition of early literacy skills by using short (one-minute) fluency measures to regularly monitor development of early literacy and reading skills. |
Yearly Progress Pro | Allows teachers to measure the effectiveness of instruction and track both mastery and retention of grade-level skills, with either CBM or their own customized assessments. Built-in instructional resources can be automatically prescribed, and each assessment takes no more than 15 minutes. |
Scholastic Reading Intentory | A universal data management and reporting system that uses valid and reliable general outcome measures of reading and math performance for grades K-8, to be used with any curriculum. |
Math | |
Yearly Progress Pro | Allows teachers to measure the effectiveness of instruction and track both mastery and retention of grade-level skills, with either CBM or their own customized assessments. Built-in instructional resources can be automatically prescribed, and each assessment takes no more than 15 minutes. |
Behavior | |
AIMSweb | A universal data management and reporting system that uses valid and reliable general outcome measures of reading and math performance for grades K-8, to be used with any curriculum. |
Social Skills Intervention Systems (SSIS) | Tools that help teachers to help students develop, improve and maintain important social skills. SSIS facilitates the universal screening of students at risk for academic or social behavior difficulties, helps plan interventions and evaluates progress on targeted skills after intervention. |