Getting Started with Interdisciplinary Instruction

You may be wondering HOW to get started with interdisciplinary instruction.  The following presentation gives some practical advice to help you get started. Any planning doc mentioned in the presentation is linked below the video.  We recommend you make a copy of the docs to fill out as you watch.  In the Additional Resources section, you will find articles, books, podcasts, and videos if you want to learn more.  

Getting Started with Interdisciplinary Instruction Video

(Time stamps are available when opened in Youtube.)


Planning Docs & Examples

Planning Docs

These planning docs are referenced in the presentation above.  We recommend you make a copy and work along with the presentation.

Examples of Interdisciplinary Lessons

MOOSE (Maine Online Opportunities for Sustained Education)

There are over 400 FREE lessons written by Maine teachers going from PK-12 grades. These lessons are interdisciplinary project-based lessons.  

Here are some example modules: