Workforce Grant Application
Follow these steps to submit your appplication
Review FAQs
Look over our Frequently Asked Questions before committing to a project idea to ensure your idea falls under this grant
What is the Maine Department of Transportation Workforce Transportation Pilot?
MaineDOT is making $5 million available to support initiatives and grants for local, regional, and state workforce transportation pilot projects. This competitive grant program provides funds to support workforce transportation pilot projects around the state, especially in rural areas. Funds may be used for capital and operating costs, including program start-up costs.
What is the maximum amount available?
MaineDOT anticipates a $750,000 award cap, subject to change based on need and volume of applications. MaineDOT may negotiate project scope and deliverables prior to finalizing awards.
How many awards will be made?
There is no minimum or maximum number of awards. Projects will be selected based on merit and the availability of funding.
When are applications due?
While there is no application deadline, potential applicants are encouraged to submit projects as soon as possible. MaineDOT will accept, evaluate, and make decisions on grant applications on an ongoing, rolling basis until all funds have been disbursed.
Are only rural areas eligible for funds?
While projects may support transportation of workers from rural areas to more urban areas or centers of employment, the program’s focus is on workforce transportation in rural areas. Some funds will be targeted specifically to connecting workers in rural areas to employment opportunities in rural areas.
Who can apply for funds?
Applications may be submitted by employers or groups of employers, municipalities, non-profit organizations, human service organizations, and public/private transportation providers. Applicants are encouraged to engage with potential partners including, but not limited to, regional planning organizations, chambers of commerce and other business groups, county governments, workforce boards, and community action programs.
Are there any other limitations?
Funds may be used to respond to COVID-19’s negative economic impacts on the tourism, travel, and hospitality industries or other identified industries suffering comparable economic impacts. Those may include healthcare and social assistance; construction, trade, and logistics; manufacturing; education; agriculture, fishing, and forestry; information; and clean energy. Applicants should demonstrate that they are addressing workforce transportation challenges, and proposed initiatives should be focused on workers and potential workers.
MaineDOT staff will work with potential applicants to ensure that any proposals meet these requirements.
What kind of projects are eligible?
Funding will be provided for targeted operating assistance, capital investment, and/or implementation of technology improvements that enhance the transportation of workers, particularly in rural areas.
Is a local match required?
A minimum match of 20 percent is required. Please see the project application package for information on eligible match funding sources.
How will projects be selected?
All applications will be reviewed by MaineDOT staff. MaineDOT may also consult with staff of the Maine Department of Economic and Community Development, Maine Department of Health and Human Services, Maine Department of Labor, and the Governor’s Office of Policy Innovation and the Future. Projects will be evaluated based on impact, partners, deliverability, sustainability, evaluation, and local match. Please see the application package for descriptions of these criteria and other factors that may warrant additional consideration.
When can selected projects begin, and how long can they last?
In general, awarded projects should begin within four months of contract execution. This requirement can be waived based on circumstances as described by the applicant. Projects may be for multiple years. Please see the application package for information on how to apply for multi-year projects.
Whom can I contact for more information?
Please contact MaineDOT Policy Development Specialist Ryan Neale at for additional information or to discuss your project idea.
Review PowerPoint Presentation
Applicants working with regional partners to identify workforce transportation challenges and solutions can use this PowerPoint to communicate with additional partners and stakeholders about the program.
Workforce Transportation Pilot Presentation (PPTX - Updated 5/19/22)
Complete and Submit Project Grant Application
After reviewing the FAQs and PowerPoint, begin your application process below. Completed applications can be submitted to Ryan Neale.