Executive Office
Bruce A. Van Note, Commissioner
Bruce A. Van Note was sworn in as MaineDOT Commissioner in January 2019. A lifelong Mainer, Bruce was born in Houlton, one of six children, and moved to Bath, where he attended public schools. He holds degrees in engineering and law, both with honors. He is a proud UMaine engineer, a professional land surveyor, and an attorney.
Bruce has 27 years of professional transportation work experience in Maine, including more than 22 years at MaineDOT. His MaineDOT experience included twelve years as Deputy Commissioner. During that time, he acquired working knowledge of policy, legislative affairs, planning, budget, procurement, freight services, capital project delivery, and maintenance and operations. Bruce enjoys leading the dedicated and talented team at MaineDOT to provide a transportation system that supports economic opportunity and quality of life. Immediately before becoming Commissioner, he also served as the Director of Policy and Planning at the Maine Turnpike Authority.
Karen Stewart, Administrative Assistant
Phone: 207-624-3003
Dale Doughty, Deputy Commissioner
Dale Doughty is a Maine Certified Geologist who began his career working for geotechnical and geological engineering firms. He first joined MaineDOT in 1997. During the next 22 years, Dale held positions in the Office of Environment and Bureau of Planning before becoming Director of the Bureau of Maintenance and Operations. In 2018, Dale left MaineDOT to serve as the Public Works Director and then Deputy City Administrator in the City of Lewiston. He returned to MaineDOT in 2021. Most recently, Dale was the Director of the Bureau of Planning prior to becoming Deputy Commissioner.
A lifelong Mainer, Dale holds a bachelor’s degree in Geology and Chemistry from the University of Maine at Farmington and did graduate work at the University of West Virginia. He and his wife Pam live on a small farm in Pittstown. They have two adult daughters, one living in Central Maine and the other in North Carolina.
Karen Stewart, Administrative Assistant
Phone: 207-624-3003
William Pulver, P.E., Chief Operating Officer
Prior to becoming MaineDOT’s Chief Operating Officer in September 2018, Bill served as Director of Project Development and Deputy Chief Engineer beginning in 2013. His primary responsibilities were overseeing the management and
delivery of MaineDOT’s statewide capital improvement program consisting of hundreds of highway, bridge, traffic and multimodal construction projects each year. Bill’s internal focus has included streamlining, innovative
contracting, accelerating project delivery and establishing and measuring program delivery objectives and performance goals.
Bill is in the 34th year of his career with MaineDOT, which began as a materials quality assurance inspector while he attended the University of Maine. Since that time, he has worked in a variety of areas and capacities throughout the department including: Assistant Director of Project Development, Director of the Property Office, Program Management in the Multimodal and Bridge Programs, Construction, Research and Development, Pavement Management, Capital Resource Management and Management Systems Development.
He has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Engineering from the University of Maine and is a licensed Professional Engineer. Bill lives in the town of Vassalboro with his wife Theresa. Their two sons, Ryan and Jeff, are engineering graduates and are working in Maine.
Karen Stewart, Administrative Assistant
Phone: 207-624-3000
Joyce Noel Taylor, P.E., Chief Engineer
Joyce Noel Taylor is the chief engineer for the Maine Department of Transportation. She joined the Department in 1999 and has risen through the ranks holding several key positions. Chief Engineer Taylor first worked in the construction division as its environmental engineer and held various positions, including Bureau Director of Project Development before becoming Chief Engineer in 2013. She has worked on various high-profile department projects, most recently heading the Sarah Mildred Long project between Maine and New Hampshire.
Joyce Noel Taylor was the first president of Maine's chapter of Women in Transportation. She is Vice Chair of the Council of Highways & Streets of the American Association of State Highway & Transportation Officials (AASHTO). She Co-Chairs the Climate Council's Transportation Working Group as well as serving on the Maine Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers.
She graduated from the University of Maine at Orono in 1986 with a BS in Chemical Engineering.
Karen Stewart, Administrative Assistant
Phone: 207-624-3000