Why New Math? and Early Numeracy

Welcome to the asynchronous module, Why New Math? and Early Numeracy.  At your own pace, read through the materials, watch the short video clips, and make sense of the pictures.  This module is approximately 1 hour in length and can be completed in one sitting or in smaller parts.  When you have competed the module, click the link to the questionnaire in the box on the right.  After successfully submitting the questionnaire, your contact hour certificate will automatically be emailed to the address provided in the questionnaire.  If you should have any questions about this process or the content in this module, please contact Jen Robitaille at jennifer.r.robitaille@maine.gov.  

Introductory Video - Why is Early Numeracy Important?

- MOOSE Foundational Skills Module for Families and Teachers - Module of progressions of learning and ideas to support the areas of math, literacy, motor development, and approaches to learning.  The focus of this module is approximately ages 3 to 9.

- Learning Trajectories Website - Create a free account and get access to learning trajectories in all areas of mathematics.  The focus of these trajectories is birth through approximately grade 3.


Why New Math? Video - Conceptual Versus Procedural Knowledge


Attitude Matters

Girl and Man figures, girl asks dad to help with reading, dad says sorry, he is not a reading person

How many times have you heard "I'm not a math person." or "I was never good at math."?  We hear it all the time and so do our students and children.  We don't typically hear people say they are not a reading person, and if fact, it would seem strange.  Let's not make it socially acceptable to say "I'm not a math person."  The attitude we share about math gets passed on to our students and children.  Maybe we don't feel confident about mathematics concepts because we were taught differently.  We can learn together but it starts with a growth mindset.



"Do the best you can until you know better.  Then when you know better, do better."   ~ Maya Angelou

Graham Fletcher Video - Progression of Early Number and Counting


Subitizing Video - What is subitizing and how can I teach it?

How to Use Subitizing Website - Variety of strategies for using and practicing subitizing in your classroom.  This website does break does break down strategies into PK-Grade 2 and Grades 3-5.

To learn more about the progression of addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division strategies or to find other mathematics education learning modules click here.